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Minutes for December 2, 2002

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 2, 2002 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Johnson called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

M. Baxter* M. Cropper A.G. Dunston*
B. Gadd L. Gillaspie A. Gossage*
D. Jackson D. Jones J. Payne
M. Pierce    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary

Visitors to the Senate were: Jim Clark, Government Relations; Rita Davis, Student Affairs; Adam Hensley, Student Government Association; Ken Johnston, Finance; David Parke, Athletics; Derita Ratcliffe, Athletics; Jennifer Rogers, The Eastern Progress; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Janna Vice, Business & Technology; Elizabeth Wachtel, Academic Affairs; and Doug Whitlock, Administrative Affairs


The November 4, 2002 minutes were approved as written.


President Glasser reported that the state budget cut will be 2.6% for this year and 5.2% or higher within the next twelve months. In preparation for the anticipated cut, Eastern has already made a 5% budget cut and have prepared for another 2% cut within the next twelve months. The campus community will be informed as additional information becomes available.

Eastern has met the match for the "Bucks for Brains" state endowment program and therefore will be eligible to receive all funds available to Eastern. If the new state budget allows, the program will begin anew in January. The new program will be known as "Bonds for Brains" and Eastern will again be eligible to participate.

EKU, along with all other Kentucky Universities, continues to pursue the right to stay self insured. The legislature is currently reviewing the entire health insurance cost state-wide and is considering a plan to require all universities to join the state plan. If forced to do so, health insurance costs will increase with less benefits.

The Council on Postsecondary Education presidential search has narrowed down to three finalists. The University Presidents have been invited to meet the finalists in Frankfort on December 18. CPE will announce an appointment on December 19. A campus e-mail will be sent out when further information becomes available.

The Vice President for Student Affairs search is progressing. An appointment may be announced before the end of the semester.

A Provost search committee is currently being formed. President Glasser has asked Dr. Gary Cordner and Dr. Jaleh Rezaie to serve as co-chairs of the committee. A campus e-mail will be sent out soon announcing the committee members.

The football coach search has been narrowed down to four finalists. President Glasser hopes to make an appointment before commencement.

Two years ago, the Board of Regents approved a 9.5% tuition increase for this year and for the 2004 fiscal year. Because of the state of the economy, the percentage increase may need to be reevaluated before sending budget recommendations for the 2004 fiscal year to the Board.

President Glasser will be hosting a holiday reception for all faculty and staff on Thursday, December 12 from 3:30 p.m. ­ 5:00 p.m. in Walnut Hall in Keen Johnson.

Commencement will be held on Saturday, December 14 at 1:30 p.m. in Alumni Coliseum. There will be 973 degree candidates of which 744 are bachelor degrees, 124 are master degrees and 105 are associate degrees. Mitchell Tolle, a noted Berea painter, will be the guest speaker for commencement. Mr. Tolle also will be presented an honorary doctorate of arts degree during the ceremony.


Senator Johnson reported that the Executive Committee met on November 18.

One item discussed was the proper channels that faculty with grievances should pursue. Any faculty with grievance issues should contact the University Grievance Committee.

Questions arose regarding the Course by Special Arrangement which was presented in the last Senate meeting. Senator Wasicsko will address those concerns in his report today.


Senator Johnson announced that beginning in January, Sheila Adkins will take minutes for the Senate. Pauletta King will continue to handle the web administration for the Senate.

Senator Johnson announced that the Faculty Welfare election, which was listed on today's agenda, will be postponed until January's meeting.

Senator Johnson reminded the Senators that the next Senate meeting will be on January 13.


Senator Schlomann reported that several motions were considered by the Board at their last meeting. The new Alcohol Policy was approved. There were some decisions made regarding commuter parking. The Board approved a $60 tuition increase at Model for the remainder of the year. The Board also approved a one-year change in the retirement transition program.

Others motions reviewed were sent forward from the Faculty Senate. The Board approved the motion to state in the Faculty Handbook that all faculty should be given the opportunity to participate in the evaluation of the Provost and for all college faculty to be given the opportunity to participate in the evaluation of their college deans. The second motion to create a new Faculty Welfare standing committee for the Faculty Senate was approved. The Board also approved the motion to state in the Faculty Handbook that the Faculty Senate should be given an opportunity to make recommendations on any future restructure or reorganization of the university prior to finalized decisions.

The final motion which was to state in the Faculty Handbook that the Faculty Senate would engage in regular reviews of the President was tabled for further review.


Senator Siegel reported that COSFL met on November 23.

COSFL gave final approval for supporting a joint program with the state AAUP. This half-day mini-conference will be scheduled sometime for late Spring 2003.

At the meeting, Richard Freed reported on the status of the CPE President search. One to three finalists will meet with the Governor's staff, legislative staff, university presidents, and COSFL on December 18 in Frankfort. The CPE will meet December 19 to announce their selection.

An extended discussion was held on the Governor's "Assessment of Kentucky's Fiscal Condition," which was released on November 21, 2002.

The issue of academic freedom was raised as per the instructions of the EKU Faculty Senate at its November 4 meeting.

Other issues raised by COSFL representatives focused on what institutions were doing to respond to budget cuts, the elimination of free health care coverage, concern about the public publication of student evaluations of faculty, shared governance, diversity efforts, and questions about the additional costs of building maintenance for new campus construction.

COSFL will go online in the Spring 2003 semester with a web site hosted by Eastern Kentucky University.

COSFL's next scheduled meeting will be on December 18 in Frankfort at the CPE.


Senator Wasicsko explained that as previously proposed a "course by special arrangement" would pay faculty $100 per credit hour. The cost incurred would be the student's responsibility if the student initiated the activity. If the course is initiated because of a University conflict, the university would absorb the cost. Senator Wasicsko requested that anyone with ideas and/or suggestions for developing the guidelines for courses by special arrangement should e-mail him.

Senator Wasicsko mentioned that he will be bringing a modification of the Foundation Professorship guidelines to the Senate in the near future.

Senator Wasicsko asked the Senate to consider appointing a joint committee to develop a charge and a mission for every university committee.


Mr. Hensley reported that SGA, as a whole, has had a successful semester. The biggest issues dealt with this semester have been the final legislation passed regarding campus safety, additional commuter parking, and an improved shuttle schedule.


Budget Committee. Senator Wade reported that the committee met once since the last Senate meeting to discuss the Athletics report and to formulate questions on that report which were included in today's handouts.

The committee is scheduled to meet with Dr. Aaron Thompson in Enrollment Management next week to discuss the budget for that area.

Rules Committee. Senator Yoder reported that the committee met on November 11 and discussed a general layout for a more standardized look for each committee in the new procedures document currently being revised. Each member is assuming responsibility for several committees and committee chairs will be contacted soon.


Compensation and Benefits Committee. Senator Rahimzadeh reported that the committee met briefly on November 13. The committee's charge will become the responsibility of the new Faculty Welfare Committee in January.

Plus/Minus Grading Committee. Senator Fisher stated that the committee is waiting on budget confirmation to send the plus/minus grading survey to Printing Services for duplication.


University Athletics Committee Report. Dr. Janna Vice presented the Athletics Committee report and distributed a handout which addressed the questions raised by the Budget Committee.

Dr. Vice stated that the Athletics Committee is a broad based committee that represents the total university community and reports directly to the president. It prepares periodic and special reports at the president's request and works in cooperation with the Athletics administration to provide oversight of issues relating to student-athlete welfare and compliance. Two areas that the committee generally does not have responsibility for are personnel issues and budget issues.

When the committee was contacted by the Faculty Senate, the committee established the following goals:

  1. The committee believed that it was very important that this report be comprehensive‹that it reflect Athletics in its totality.
  2. That it would address hard questions.
  3. That it would reflect data from multiple sources both inside and outside of the Athletics program.
  4. That the report be fair.

Dr. Vice expressed her thanks and appreciation to all those within the University who prepared charts, tables and data necessary to answer the questions raised by the Budget Committee.

Senator A. Jones moved to refer the report to the Budget Committee to see if all questions were adequately answered, seconded by Senator Fisher. The motion was approved by the Senate.

Compensation and Benefits Committee Motion(s). Senator Rahimzadeh moved to approved the following two motions at the November 4 meeting. Motion 1 was seconded by Senator Milde and Motion 2 was seconded by Senator A. Jones. Discussion was postponed until today's meeting. (supplemental handout on salary support)

  1. The University's standard faculty salary award should reflect the Cost of Living Allowance based on the National Consumer Price Index. Any remaining funds allocated for salary increases should then be used toward merit pay.
  2. The University should provide a pool of money each year to address salary equity issues. The procedures according to which equity adjustments are made shall be recommended to the Faculty Senate by an ad hoc committee comprised of the Faculty Welfare Committee and administrative representatives selected by the President.

Both motions were approved by the Senate.

Motion from the Interdisciplinary and Team Teaching Task Force. Senator A. Jones moved to approve the following motion, seconded by Senator Dunston at the November 4 meeting. Discussion was postponed until today's meeting.

Senator A. Jones accepted a friendly amendment to change the first sentence from: "Team teaching' is defined as a collaborative activity in which content is integrated and all participating faculty are involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the course."

To: "Team teaching" is defined as a collaborative activity "within departments, across departments and across colleges" in which content is integrated and all participating faculty are involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of the course."

The motion in its amended state was approved by the majority of the Senate.

Motion to Suspend Rules. Senator Fisher moved to suspend the rules to continue meeting beyond 5:30 p.m., seconded by Senator Konkel. The motion to suspend the rules was approved by the Senate.

University Research Committee Report. At the November Senate meeting, Senator Konkel moved approval of the University Research Committee Report, seconded by Senator Collins. Discussion of the motion was postponed until today's meeting. The motion was approved by the Senate.


Council on Academic Affairs Report: Senator Wasicsko

Senator Wasicsko moved approval of the following items, seconded by Senator Flanagan.

  1. Change Military Science name to Military Science & Leadership
  2. Minor revision in Military Science
  3. Program revision in Child and Family Studies (BS)
  4. Add new certificate in Women's Studies

The motion was approved contingent on #3 continuing to offer the courses which were previously listed as requirements in the Child Development option.


Senator Wasicsko moved to adjourn at approximately 5:40 p.m.

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