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Minutes for March 2, 2009

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 2, 2009, in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Ware called the seventh meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Back B. Bentley D. Whitlock*
M. Ciocca* D. Deaton J. Flanagan
M. Hesse M. Kolloff*^ J. Koontz*^
C. Palmer G. Purdue* C. Smith*

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Diana Porter attending for M. Kolloff
^ ALT Elizabeth Rennick attending for J. Koontz

Visitors to the Senate: Onda Bennett, University Programs; Bob Brubaker, Chairs Association; Sandy Cain, Registrar; Alex Combs, Student Government Association; Jessica Flick, Business; Gary Kuhnhenn, Academic Affairs; Shannon Means, Office of EVP for Administration; Marta Miranda, Multicultural Student Affairs; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; Brian Perry, Community Service & Student Engagement; Jerry Pogatshnik, Graduate School; Jaleh Rezaie, Graduate School; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; and Janna Vice, Academic Affairs; John Wade, Arts & Sciences; Jennifer White, Registrar

The February 2, 2009 minutes were approved as written.


In his written report to the Senate, Senator Whitlock shared the following:

Thanks to the leadership of the General Assembly and Governor Beshear, the budget reduction in the current year's state appropriation will be two percent rather than the anticipated four percent. However, in preparation for an additional cut for the 2009-10 year, the Financial Planning Committee has proposed that the University continue forward with the originally proposed four percent reduction. The hiring freeze will also continue. There are 21 budgeted staff positions that are vacant and for which no searches are underway. Any of these positions that are "captured" will further preparations for next year.

Senator Whitlock is sensitive to the concerns regarding faculty and staff employment numbers. While there are good reasons for staff growth ­ many of which are directly related to academic support ­ the first priority must be the core mission of teaching. Again, attrition and strategic reassignments will be the mode of operations in personnel reductions.

It is anticipated that the Council on Postsecondary Education will approve a tuition ceiling of four percent for resident undergraduates for the state's comprehensive universities when it meets on March 6. EKU's Board of Regents will be reviewing proposed tuition rates for all categories of students at their next meeting on April 24. Hopefully, the net tuition increase will be sufficient to meet the unavoidable fixed cost increases in such things as utilities, benefits, insurance, etc.

There is also a possibility that some one-time monies may be received through the Federal stimulus initiatives to reduce the impact of a state budget shortfall in 2009-2010, and perhaps 2010-2011. Caution must be exercised, if these funds are realized, to make sure that recurring obligations are not unknowingly created. Unfortunately, the building infrastructure funds for education that were in the House version of the stimulus did not survive the House-Senate negotiations.

There are a number of funding opportunities available to higher education institutions through grants from Federal agencies in the stimulus. Dr. Pogatshnik has summary information on which agencies will be receiving grant proposals. Timeliness is of the essence in this regard.

While major gift income is down, there has been a substantial increase in the number of donors. In addition, Senator Whitlock has spent a lot of time in Washington working with congressional staff within Kentucky to build relationships that have already begun to pay dividends. Furthermore, the institution's visibility and standing has increased in Frankfort. The groundwork has also been laid for increased international relationships to provide greater opportunities for faculty and students.

Senator Whitlock shared the following highlights as a reminder that there are positive things happening at the institution:

  1. The recognition of EKU's engagement with the community, region and beyond by the Carnegie Foundation.
  2. The biofuels initiative has raised EKU's stature.
  3. The Honors Program recently outshone many of the nation's "brand name" institutions with their Mock Trial.
  4. Student Alumni Ambassadors have gained recognition as the very best.
  5. This year's Chautauqua lecture series has an impressive group of speakers.

Senator Whitlock thanked everyone for helping to make EKU a special place.


Policy on Evaluation of Non-Tenured Faculty. Senator Piercey moved approval of the non tenure evaluation policy, seconded by Senator May. Motion carried.

16-Week Semester & Five-Year Calendar Discussion. Senator Ware announced that the administration plans to move forward with the standard 17-week semester for the five-year calendar. However the administration encourages further discussion on the issue. If calendar changes become necessary as a result of those discussions, the calendar can be amended later.

Senator Borowski requested that a straw poll be taken to see if faculty prefer a 16-week or 17 week semester. The results are as follows:

16-Week = 25 votes
17-Week = 15 votes
Undecided/Split = 13 votes


Report on Student Affairs & Academic Affairs Collaborative Projects. Dr. Marta Miranda and Brian Perry were in attendance to inform faculty about the collaborative efforts occurring between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

At Senator Reed's request, Dr. Miranda agreed to provide a brief written summary of her presentation for distribution to the Senators.

Graduate Faculty Criteria. Dr. Jaleh Rezaie was in attendance to ask for the Senate's support for the proposed Graduate Faculty Criteria; and she presented a Powerpoint presentation showing the differences between the old and new policy.

Senator May moved to postpone further discussion to the April meeting, seconded by Senator Robles. Motion carried.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Dr. Janna Vice

  1. Stopping Out Policy Office of the Registrar
  2. Police Studies - B.S. - revise courses in the CORE and add new course PLS 414
  3. Police Studies -A.A. - Revise courses in the CORE and add new course PLS 414
  4. Policies Studies - minor - Revise course requirements, remove PLS 216, add PLS 414
  5. Memorandum of Agreement - Awarding Academic Credit for non-collegiate instruction between EKU and Kentucky Department for Criminal Justice Training
  6. Accounting - BBA - Request exclusion in General Education requirements for Block VII
  7. Computer Information Systems - BBA - Request inclusion in General Education requirements for Block VII
  8. Insurance - BBA - Request exclusion in General Education requirements for Block VII
  9. Insurance - BS - Revise degree requirements, GPA
  10. Finance - BBA - Revise required courses within program
  11. Communication Studies - BA - Change the number of hours required to graduate from 128 to 120 and request exception to the General Education Block 1C
  12. Marketing - BBA - Revise courses within program, add new course MKT 405
  13. Corporate Communications & Technology - BBA - Request exclusion for General Education requirements
  14. General Business - BBA - Request exclusion for General Education requirements
  15. Management - BBA - Request exclusion for General Education requirements
  16. Career & Technical Education (Teaching) - BS - Require a professional seminar as major requirement
  17. Master of Arts in Teaching - Revise requirements for admission in the ART option
  18. Advising, Admission, Field Placement & Certification - Update Teacher Education requirements, update Catalog
  19. Biology - Pre-Medical Sciences - BS - Remove PSY 200 from supporting courses
  20. Biology - Pre-Veterinary Sciences - BS - Remove/add courses from/to "additional Pre-Vet requirements"
  21. Paralegal Program - AAS - Replace LAS 320 with new course LAS 355
  22. Paralegal Studies - AAS - To change supporting course requirement from ENG 301 to ENG 300
  23. Paralegal Program Revision Paralegal Science Certificate - Replace LAS 320 with new course LAS 355
  24. Paralegal Studies Minor - Replace LAS 320 with new course LAS 355
  25. Paralegal Science - BA - Replace LAS 320 with new course LAS 355
  26. History - BA - Revise distribution requirements
  27. History/Teaching - BA - Revise distribution requirements
Informational Item
  1. EKU Now! Program - Catalog policy proposal - Proposal to combine Jump Start and Dual Credit for High School students. This proposal will return to the CAA as an action item in March, and to the Faculty Senate in April.

Senator Ware ruled that with no objections, for this meeting only, more than one CAA item could be moved for approval at a time, provided the information is similar in nature.

Senator Collins moved approval of item #1, seconded by Senator Chapman. Motion carried.

Senator Reed moved approval of items #2, #3, & #4, seconded by Senator Phillips. Motion carried.

Item #5 was presented as an information item only. (no attachment)

Senator Robles moved approval of items #6, #7, #8, #9, and #10, seconded by Senator Randles. Motion carried.

Senator Taylor moved approval of item #11, seconded by Senator Noblitt. Motion carried.

Senator Case moved approval of items #12, #13, #14, #15, and #16, seconded by Senator Robles. Motion carried.

Senator Resor moved approval of items #17 and #18, seconded by Senator Phillips. Motion carried.

Senator Frisbie moved approval of items #19 and #20, seconded by Senator Palmer. Motion carried.

Senator Noblitt moved approval of items #21, #22, #23, #24, and #25, seconded by Senator Shordike. Senator Redmond asked that items #21, #22, #23, #24, and #25 be approved contingent on the addition of a clearer justification statement for each. Dr. Vice mentioned that the department should send the revised forms to the Registrar's office. Motion to approve carried.

Senator Lowry moved approval of items #26 and #27, seconded by Senator Pressley. Motion carried.

Item #28 was presented as an information item only but will be presented at a future meeting for action.


The Executive Committee met on February 16, 2009.

The contract with the outside consulting firm for the presidential review should be finalized by mid-March. At the March Executive Committee meeting, the committee will finalize the plans for the Executive Committee's survey of faculty for the presidential review and begin implementation of process.

In discussion related to the presidential review, members of the Executive Committee noted that other administrative reviews specified in the Faculty Handbook have not been completed in a timely manner.

Dr. Bob Brubaker has been asked to attend the March meeting to answer questions regarding the proposed policy on non-tenured faculty evaluation.

Senators Ware, Taylor, and Johnson continue to communicate regarding financial and strategic planning. In accordance with its charge under the Senate by-laws, the Budget Committee is functioning in an advisory capacity related to budget issues. The committee is looking at faculty compensation, impact of budget cuts related to faculty and staff, and administrative costs compared to faculty lines.


The Executive and Academic Affairs Committee, on behalf of the full Board, met on February 12th to review the "best and final offer" from the Pappas Consulting Group to assist the Board in carrying out an administrative review of the President. The offer was accepted.

Pappas will do a number of things to gather information about the university and to seek comment from those involved in the university, both from within its walls and from without. The Office of Institutional Research will serve as the primary liaison with Pappas and will provide requested documentation (organizational structure, academic offerings, enrollment data, retention data, strategic plan, etc.) and will assist with scheduling and other on-campus logistics. Pappas will seek input from university stakeholders in several ways. First, they will administer online surveys for faculty, staff, and students. In the case of the faculty survey, Pappas will work with the Senate Executive Committee in designing the survey, and will report survey results to them. Pappas will also set up a secure email address to allow stakeholders to offer additional comments directly to the consultant. Pappas will convene 6-9 focus groups during an intensive 1-day campus visit in early April. The focus groups will include faculty, staff, students, and community members. Pappas will share its preliminary observations and recommendations with the Board in late April, and will be available for additional consultation when the Board meets on June 8th.

The administrative review of President Whitlock will be informative and will help him and the Board work together to set the direction for the University and to set specific goals for the University and for the President. This should also establish a procedure for the university community to follow in carrying out future reviews.

The Board will next convene for a regular quarterly meeting on April 24th.


Senator Ware did a great job of hitting on what was most exciting On February 13, 2009 members of COSFL attended an all-day meeting at the Kentucky Council on Post-Secondary Education offices in Frankfort. The goal of the meeting was to enable COSFL to have well-informed discussions leading to a unified report to the Governor's Work Group on Higher Education.

The issue of textbook costs was raised, particularly in view of HB226, which would mandate that universities adopt textbooks by a certain deadline and penalize faculty for non-compliance. Tucker Landy shared an update recently that the section on penalizing faculty for non compliance has been removed from the bill. Senator McKenney checked the Legislative Research Commission website today and the amended bill was passed by the House 83 to 9.

Another issue discussed at length was the KCTCS Board's proposal to cease hiring faculty on tenure-track. COSFL President Peggy Pittman-Munke drafted a letter to the KCTCS Board expressing strong opposition to the idea of eliminating tenure for new faculty. Senator McKenney urged the senators to share that information with colleagues.

At the conclusion of the day, CPE President Bob King emphasized the importance of continuing communication between COSFL and the CPE. He recommended that in our further discussions we concentrate on a few key issues. Transfer (or transferability) is at the top of the Legislature's list, so we need to address it even though it is probably not as big a problem as legislators imagine. Other crucial issues to be considered are developmental education and the use of technology in higher education.

The next meeting will be Saturday, March 7th at EKU from 10:00 a.m. to noon in Room 549 in the Student Services Building.

PROVOST REPORT: Senator Piercey

The Chief Academic Officers meeting was hosted by Murray State on February 26-27. Topics of discussion included: 1) charging on a per-credit basis rather than the traditional block-tuition structure and 2) number of levels of faculty rank.

The Enrollment Management leadership search is progressing. The search firm retained to handle the search is William Spelman Executive Search. Enrollment Management will also be re organized in order to tie it more closely with Academic Affairs and to make it more effective.

Congratulations to Dr. Ella Hunter and the committee members on the University Promotion and Tenure Committee for their excellent work. The committee's recommendations have been forwarded to the Provost's office for review and will then be forwarded to the President for his review and approval.

The Early Registration Policy will be posted for the 30-day review period on the new policy website soon. The website is available at The website will ultimately house official versions for all academic and non-academic policies.

Those departments interested in participating in the University-wide advising survey should contact Dr. E.J. Keeley.

A SACS Review Team came to Eastern in February to evaluate the first year of implementation for Eastern's new Ed.D. SACS has already approved Eastern's Document for Substantive Change.

The Key Indicators negotiation meeting with CPE representatives has been postponed until the completion of the current legislative session.

The Colleges have analyzed the programs identified by CPE as "low-productivity" in terms of degree production in their Program Productivity Review (PPR), and have provided written recommendations which were submitted to CPE at the end of February.

Data for the University's QEP initiatives are being assessed, focusing on Spring 2008 first-year freshmen and senior NSSE questions related to critical thinking.

The 2008-2009 Factbook is currently being updated and will be released in mid-March


Mr. Combs reported that SGA is currently working on two policy changes and bringing them through the Policy on Policies process. These policies deal with: 1) allowing student organizations with national affiliation the option of choosing off-campus banking; and 2) campus bulletin board postings.

SGA would like to collaborate with Faculty Senate on the formation of an online library of course syllabi. Mr. Combs will be contacting the Executive Committee soon to discuss that issue.


Budget Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the Budget Committee met on the 6th and the 20th of February.

The Financial Planning Council has met and the faculty representatives on that committee are Mixon Ware representing the Faculty Senate and JoAnn Ewalt representing the Strategic Planning Council. John White represents the chairs and Allen Ault represents the deans. Most of the discussion has centered around tuition, budget cuts for this year and presumed cuts for next year.

The Senate Budget Committee is looking at several aspects to the budget cuts, including administrative travel funding, overload data, reassigned time data, growth of administrative positions vs. lost faculty lines, increased funding for administrative offices, faculty development funding, advising fees, faculty compensation, etc.

The state is requiring a two percent mid-year rescission. EKU was anticipating a 4 percent cut and are therefore cutting our budget by a total of 4 percent while anticipating further cuts from the state for the next year. The state makes up less than half of EKU's total budget. After contributions from deferred maintenance, the university contingency funds and the President's contingency funds the remaining amount passed on to Academic Affairs amounted to approximately one percent of Academic Affair's budget. The colleges were given the option to give up vacant personnel lines or operating expenses to meet the cut. This means that even though nobody is losing their job, faculty lines will be lost. This is especially troubling in light of the downward trend in faculty lines and upward trend in new administrative units and positions.

Senator Johnson encouraged the senators and their colleagues to check out the following links for additional budget information.

Ad Hoc Committee Report on EKU Community College. Senator Taylor moved that the Senate show support for exploring the creation of an Associate degree in General Studies and for requiring those "at-risk" students identified to declare the Associate degree as part of their admission to the University, seconded by Senator Johnson. The motion to show support carried.

University Financial Planning Council. Senator Ware reported that the Financial Planning Council met on Friday, February 13th. The primary topics for discussion were the overall status of the budget (state and university) and tuition modeling. The discussion on tuition modeling included a variety of tuition structuring options to consider for long term planning. The Council will meet again on March 6th to further discuss tuition for the upcoming academic year based on CPE recommendations during the first week of March. Other issues to be discussed include policy decisions related to earnings (overload pay, additional pay such as advising, overtime, supplemental pay) and carry forward.

Strategic Planning Council. Senator Taylor reported that the Strategic Planning Council will meet in April.

Work Group on Upper Division Electives. Senator May shared the following in his written report to the Senate.

The unanimous decision of the subcommittee (Elizabeth Throop, Lindsey Cross, Allen Ault, and David May) was to recommend a minimum of 42 hours. Elizabeth Throop will be meeting with the Associate Deans next Thursday to get their input before moving forward to the Council of Academic Affairs with a recommendation.


Senator Piercey moved to adjourn at approximately 5:40 p.m.

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