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Minutes for December 1, 2008

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 1, 2008, in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Ware called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Back B. Bentley C. Blades
L. Collins* D. Deaton M. Hesse
P Litzelfelner*^ M. McDermott*^ B. Phillips
C. Resor*    

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ALT Caroline Reid attended for P. Litzelfelner
^ SUB Stephen Black attended for M. McDermott

Visitors to the Senate: Onda Bennett, University Programs; Tina Davis, Registrar; Gary Kuhnhenn, Enrollment Management; Sandra Moore, Diversity; Karen Neubauer, Budgeting; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; Jerry Pogatshnik, Graduate School; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Janna Vice, Academic Affairs; and Ron Yoder, University Advancement

The November 10, 2008 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Whitlock voiced his support for the two Budget Committee motions that will be presented later in the meeting.

The amount of the higher education budget reduction has not been determined yet, but it is anticipated that the cut will be around 4%. EKU been asked to develop a plan which is due by the end of the day on Wednesday to show how the anticipated reduction will be achieved and what the long term implications will be. The plan is to handle the reduction through contingency and other reserves. Senator Whitlock hopes to handle any impact on personnel by attrition, as was done in the spring. However, soft money positions may be affected if grants are cut significantly. Those individuals affected, if qualifications are met, would be given first call on any available positions within the university.

Senator Whitlock announced that thanks to the efforts of Governor Beshear and District Congressman Ben Chandler, EKU will be partnering with General Atomics to establish the Center for Renewable and Alternative Fuel Technologies (CRAFT). The Center will be used to research the potential for a cellulose-derived biodiesel industry in Kentucky.


Dead Week Policy. Lindsey Cross was in attendance to discuss the dead week policy draft, which now includes changes requested at the November Senate meeting, and to answer any further questions.

After lengthy discussion, the motion failed for lack of support.

Senator Kean moved to consider appointing a task force to work with the students to find an alternative solution, seconded by Senator Johnson. The majority were in favor and the motion carried.

Syllabus Policy. Senator Carter moved that the Faculty Senate support the revised course syllabus policy dated November 24th as presented by the Senate ad hoc committee, seconded by Senator Taylor. The majority were in favor and the motion carried.

16-Week Semester Discussion. Senator Ware stated that this is a timely discussion because the University sets its calendar in five-year cycles and it's time to begin planning for the next cycle.

Registrar Tina Davis stated that a lot of other universities have already gone to a 15 or 16-week semester. Beginning with Summer 2009, EKU will have a 12-week summer session in order to accommodate programs, practicums and internships that extend beyond the 10-week time frame previously scheduled. Having two 16-week semesters would allow for the extended summer school session to still end by August 1st. Dr. Janna Vice mentioned that summer school needs to end early enough to allow for certification of those students who are preparing to teach.

Senator Noblitt stated that her program's accreditation could be in jeopardy if additional contact hours are lost. If the University goes to a 16-week semester, provisions would have to be made to make up those missed contact hours. Other programs within the University may also be affected similarly.

Ron Yoder, Director of Web Communications, volunteered to help Senator Ware establish a blog on this issue so there can be an open dialogue with the campus community for additional feedback.

Report on University Planning Council & Strategic Planning Council. Harry Moberly and Shannon Means were in attendance to discuss the University Planning Phase I document which explains the role of the newly formed University Planning Council and the Strategic Planning Council. Mr. Moberly stated that the new councils were formed in order to create a transparent process, to provide greater participation campus-wide, and to allow for more effective accountability. He further stated that anyone with additional feedback or concerns regarding the new plan should contact him or Shannon Means within the next couple of weeks.

Senator Taylor moved to suspend the rules in order to review two Budget committee motions regarding the make-up of the two committees and to allow for discussion. Motion carried.

Senator Johnson moved approval of the paragraph below, seconded by Senator Taylor. The motion carried unanimously.

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University supports the reorganization of the University Budget Advisory Council to the Financial Planning Council (FPC) as set forth in the University Planning Phase I document with the following recommendations:

  1. Add a representative from the five deans to the FPC.
    1. This should rotate between the deans of the five colleges yearly.
    2. This representative should not be the same dean as the dean's representative on the SPC.
  2. Add a representative from the Chairs Association.

Senator Johnson moved approval of the statement below, seconded by Senator Ciocca. The motion carried unanimously.

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University supports the reorganization of the University's Strategic Planning Council (SPC) as set forth in the University Planning Phase I document with the inclusion of the following recommendations:

  1. Add the vice-chair of the Faculty Senate to the membership of the SPC
  2. The chair of the SPC shall be a member of the EKU faculty-at-large

Senator Ware announced that with the Senate's recommendation for additions on the Strategic Planning Council, there would be seven faculty members serving on the Council.


Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Dr. Janna Vice

Curriculum Proposals:
  1. New minor in Actuarial Science
  2. Music (B.M.) - Program Revision - Revise text to specify degree requirement, drop one supporting course, correct required number of hours
  3. Correctional & Juvenile Justice Studies - Program Revision - Require 2.0 GPA
  4. Memorandum of Agreement with Loss Prevention Foundation
  1. Recording of Double Majors (action item) - Revise Catalog text to clarify procedure for recording double majors
  2. Writing-Intensive Courses
    1. Allow departments to offer writing intensive courses in the major program to meet the writing intensive course requirement (action item)
    2. Waive the requirement for all students who graduate by December 2009 (information)
  3. Comprehensive Baccalaureate Degree Requirements (Discussion/Action)
    CAA will take action on this revision in December (note: Policy needs to go to the Board of Regents in January but will be withdrawn if it lacks support of Council on Academic Affairs, Faculty Senate, and Provost Council)
  4. Proposal for specialist degree in Clinical Psychology (information)
  5. Early Registration Policy (Information) [CAA will consider in December]
    CAA approved a motion to support the Faculty Senate's Ad Hoc Committee's Recommendation Regarding Early Registration Policy & Rationale

Senator Redmond moved approval of item #1 (new minor in Actuarial Science), seconded by Senator Noblitt. The motion carried unanimously.

Senator Robles moved approval of item #2 (Music (BM) program revision), seconded by Senator Carter. The motion carried unanimously.

Senator Ruddell moved approval of item #3 (Correctional & Juvenile Justice Studies program revision), seconded by Senator Noblitt. The motion carried unanimously.

Senator Schmelzer moved approval of item #4 (Memorandum of Agreement with Loss Prevention Foundation), seconded by Senator Borowski. The motion carried unanimously.

Senator Carter moved approval of item #5 (Revise Catalog text to clarify procedure for recording double majors), seconded by Senator Case. The motion carried unanimously.

Senator Robles moved approval of item #6 (Allow departments to offer writing intensive courses in the major program), seconded by Senator Richardson. The motion carried unanimously.

Senator Taylor moved to extend the meeting time by fifteen minutes. Motion carried.

Regarding item #7 (Comprehensive Baccalaureate Degree Requirements), Senator Taylor moved to adopt the 120 hours minimum with 36 hours upper division courses, seconded by Senator Schmelzer. Senators Taylor and Schmelzer accepted a friendly amendment to change the motion back to the original statement "A minimum of 120 hours with 43 upper division hours" and to separate the statement into two sentences. The second sentence dealing with upper division hours will be temporarily omitted until further discussion. After lengthy discussion, Senators Taylor and Schmelzer withdrew the motion and discussion will continue at the January meeting.

Items #8 (Specialist degree in Clinical Psychology) and #9 (Early Registration Policy) were listed as informational items only.

Senator Ware announced that, with the Senate's approval, there will be a holiday celebration for faculty on December 11th from 4-5:30pm in the Faculty Lounge in Keen Johnson. The event will be co-sponsored by the Senate, AAUP, and the Teaching and Learning Center.

Senator Ware shared the following in her written report to the Senate.

The final draft of the report from the Ad Hoc Committee on the Early Registration for Designated Populations policy, as approved at the November meeting of the Faculty Senate, will be forwarded to the Office of the Provost by December 1.


The Board will meet on Thursday for a retreat. The next quarterly meeting will be scheduled sometime in January.

REPORT FROM COSFL: Senator Ware reported for Senator McKenney
COSFL will meet at EKU on Saturday, December 6th from 10am-noon. The meeting will be in Room 549 of the Student Services Building. Tuition affordability will be a major topic of discussion. Any interested faculty senators are welcome to attend.

PROVOST REPORT: Senator Piercey

Senator Piercey shared the following in his written report to the Senate.
Following are updates on draft policies currently in the review process:

  • Policy 4.6.1 (Determination of Qualifications for Faculty Teaching Credit-Bearing Courses) - The Faculty Senate passed a resolution of support at the October meeting. A Drafting Team reviewed suggestions made by key stakeholders and an amended policy will be submitted to the Provost Council at the December meeting.
  • Policy 1.1.1 (Policy on Policies) was adopted by the President as an interim policy
  • Early Registration for Designated Populations - The Council on Academic Affairs reviewed the regulation in October. In November, they voted to support the recommendations of the Faculty Senate's ad hoc committee. The Faculty Senate Chair appointed an ad hoc committee that reviewed the regulation and made recommendations. The Faculty Senate opposed the current policy draft and voted to support the recommendations of the ad hoc committee. The policy originators will present a report to the Provost Council in December.
  • Policies 4.4.3 ­ 4.4.10 - In October, the Faculty Senate passed resolutions of support for all eight policies. Dissenting recommendations accompanied Policy 4.4.8 and 4.4.10. The policies were submitted to the Deans' Council in October. The Deans have supported the policies, with one recommended change in Policy 4.4.10. The policies have been submitted to the President with recommendations for adoption.
  • Policy 4.6.4 (Promotion and Tenure) - A Drafting Team has been formed for the purpose of reviewing the policy. The Team meets for the first time on December 1.
  • Policy 4.6.5 (Evaluation of Non-Tenured Faculty) - The Chairs Association has begun a review of this policy. A Drafting Team will likely be formed soon.

CPE's Program Productivity Review (PPR) is underway, using the 3-Tier Review to identify programs with low degree output.

The QEP Assessment group met with the Graduate School to discuss incorporating critical thinking assessment within the College, program and course level.

Institutional Research is currently piloting an Advising Survey in two departments that will ultimately be offered university-wide. This survey seeks student opinions regarding advising services on campus.

The EKU Campus Climate Survey was launched at the end of October and will be open until the end of the semester. The climate survey asks EKU faculty, staff, and students their opinions and experiences regarding diversity and discrimination on campus.

EKU's Division II Quick Recall team, sponsored by the EKU Honors Program, took First Place at the KCQRL Tournament at Henderson Community College this past weekend

The Honors program invites course proposals for junior level electives for fall 2009 from faculty across the university; all such courses need to fulfill the General Education requirements for a Block VII course. Contact Linda Frost, Director of the Honors Program, for more information.


Budget Committee. Senator Johnson shared the following in his written report to the Senate.

The Budget Committee has met twice since the last Faculty Senate meeting, Friday, November 14, and Tuesday, November 25, 2008.

At the November 14th meeting, the Provost was invited along with the Vice President for Financial Affairs to discuss the budget for the remainder of the fiscal year, the results of the Budget Committee's survey of last year and how it was implemented, and what plans are underway for next year's budget. EKU has absorbed all of the cuts from the state so far and is prepared for the cuts expected this year. CPE is expected to hold the line on tuition increases. The pressure for the expected numbers for the state's universities for the year 2020 seems to be lessening; this is not to say that the increases are not still on the books.

At the November 25th meeting, the committee discussed the University Planning Phase I document to see if recommendations should be made concerning the structure of the two councils as put forth in this document. Dr. Janna Vice, Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs and Debbie Newsom, Vice President for Financial Affairs, were in attendance. After much discussion the committee felt that there was a lack of academic representation on the newly formed Financial Planning Council (FPC). The committee proposed that a representative of the five deans and a representative of the Chairs association should also be a part of that council. The committee also agreed with conclusions formed at the November 17th Senate Executive Committee meeting that the Vice-chair of the Senate should be added to the new structure of the new Strategic Planning Council (SPC) and that the chair of the SPC should be a member of the Faculty-at-large. In addition, the committee proposed that the dean on each of these two councils should not be the same dean and that they should rotate on a yearly basis.

Rules Committee. Senator McKenney shared the following in her written report to the Senate.

The Senate Rules Committee met on Monday, November 24, 2008. Committee members reported their findings after examining EKU's benchmarks and Kentucky's comprehensive regional universities to determine whether they had any senate or university committee dealing with academics and/or advising. Some good models of such committees were found though there is considerable variation in title, membership, and function. Rules Committee members discussed the question of whether to recommend creation of an entirely new Committee on Academic matters or whether it might be possible to use an existing senate committee to deal with this.

The Committee plans to meet again in January.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Noblitt reported that the policy on policies is currently in test mode. The faculty credentials and qualifications policy is the first policy being tested through the Policy on Policies. The drafting committee has been compiled and the committee is doing its work. Currently the Office of Academic Affairs is getting together the necessary infrastructure to have a website where public notice can be given on these policies.

Committee on Committees. Senator Staddon reported that the committee is in the process of soliciting faculty names for the five faculty representatives on the Strategic Planning Council.

Welfare Committee. Senator Foote reported that the committee met with President Whitlock to discuss shared governance in mid November.


Senator Piercey moved to adjourn at approximately 5:50 p.m.

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