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Minutes for May 4, 2009

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 4, 2009, in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Ware called the ninth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Back B. Bentley*^ M. Bhandari
L. Bosley* T. Butler* D. Deaton
S. Godbey*^ T. Hartch* K. Kean*
J. Koontz* R. Mott*^ B. Phillips
R. Sales* C. Smith*  

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Mary Whitaker attending for B. Bentley
^ ALT Darrin Smith attending for S. Godbey
^ ALT Marshall Myers attending for R. Mott

Visitors to the Senate: Faridah Awang, Management, Marketing & Admin. Comm.; Sue Ellen Ballard, Music; Onda Bennett, University Programs; Corey Bray, Athletics; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Tina Davis, Registrar; Richard Day, Curriculum & Instruction; Linda Frost, Honors Program; Julie Hensley, English & Theatre; Mona Isaacs, Information Technology; Gladys Johnson, Cooperative Education; Randy Kennedy, Bratzke Center; Kristina Krampe, Special Education; Gary Kuhnhenn, Provost Office; Sarah Levy, CPE; Amy Marshall, Occupational Therapy; Michael Martin, Curriculum/Instruction; Jerry Palmer, Psychology; Abbey Poffenberger, Foreign Languages & Humanities; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; Jenna Sample, Bratzke Center; Janna Vice, Provost Office; Carolin Walz, English; Zhe Zhang, Management, Marketing & Admin. Comm.

The April 6, 2009 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Whitlock announced that at the Scholars Assembly two weeks ago, Congressman Chandler presented a $951,500 check to EKU to be used for academic equipment purchase. The funds distributed are part of the federal earmark process.

Friday evening Senator Whitlock and his wife, Joanne, attended the graduation ceremony at Corbin for 50 students.

Senator Whitlock thanked everyone who participated in the presidential evaluation. It is his hope that feedback from the report will prove helpful as the campus community works together to move the institution forward.

Fall convocation is scheduled for Monday, August 17th at 8:30 a.m. in Brock Auditorium in the Coates Building.

The announcement by the Governor last week regarding the potential budget shortfall for 2009 2010 may be the harbinger of the worst case scenario for which Eastern has been preparing. Senator Whitlock stated that he is pleased with the hard work and cooperation between the Strategic Planning Council and the Financial Planning Council and feels that relationship will grow stronger over time.

Senator Whitlock will be traveling to China on May 21st. At the end of the month, he's been invited to speak at an international conference of University presidents on Globalization and the Stewardship of Place.

Senator Whitlock thanked everyone for their support throughout the past year and expressed his gratitude for the remarkable faculty and staff at Eastern.


Course Registration Policy. Senator Wilson moved approval of course registration policy 4.1.12, seconded by Senator Schmelzer.

Senator Lowry moved to amend the policy and introduced a replacement document with the proposed language, seconded by Senator Resor. The majority of the senate were not in favor of the amendment, and the amendment failed for lack of support.

The motion, as originally presented, carried with a vote of 37-15.


Paperless Payroll Initiative. Senator Ware reminded everyone of the paperless payroll initiative.

Report on Cooperative Education. Gladys Johnson was in attendance to provide information on the Cooperative Education program and to encourage more faculty participation in the program. Contact for more information. (coop attachments: att1, att2, att3, att4, att5, att6)

Report on QEP Progress. Senator Noblitt gave a brief update on the QEP Progress. (additional attachments: att1, att2)

One initiative to promote the QEP is the QE coaches which consists of 20 volunteer faculty members who serve as a resource to educate faculty on how to incorporate critical and creative thinking in the classroom. In addition, a number of student events have been hosted in order to promote QEP, including a program called QEP Student Ambassadors.

In draft stage is a critical thinking certification program for faculty. For more information on this program or for further information about QEP, contact Kate Williams, QEP Director.

The QEP is currently working with departments and colleges to make sure that all syllabi have a student learning objective related to critical and creative thinking.

On the assessment end, freshmen to seniors will be undergoing CAT testing to see if there is an increase in the amount of critical and creative thinking in those students that have participated in the QEP programs.

Report on New Scheduling Software. Mona Isaacs was in attendance to give a brief report on the new scheduling software. The current goal is to do the Fall 2010 schedule with the new software.

Policy on Schedule of Facilities & Outdoor Space. Senator Johnson moved approval of the Policy on Schedule of Facilities & Outdoor Space, seconded by Senator Taylor. Motion carried.

Rules Committee Motion on New Standing Committee. Senator McKenney moved approval of creating a new standing committee known as Committee on Academic Quality, seconded by Senator Reed. The majority were in favor and the motion carried.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Dr. Janna Vice

    Upper-Division-Hours Requirement for Baccalaureate Degree - Revise the number of upper division hours required for a Baccalaureate Degree from 43 to 42 hours based on the recommendation of the Ad-Hoc Committee.
    New Program - Associate of General Studies - The Associate in General Studies degree provides students, especially adult learners, the opportunity to pursue a flexible degree program to meet their unique interests, career goals, and academic needs, and serves as a pathway to a four-year degree
  3. New Certificate - Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate - Recently-approved certificate is being proposed as a Professional-Level Certificate, which will need CPE approval.
  4. Program Suspension - B.B.A. Corporate Communications and Technology - Suspend program due to decreasing number of majors in the CCT program area and increasing pressure for accountability and efficient use of resources. The program is now an option in the B.B.A. General Business degree.
    Master of Business Administration - Drop ACC 750 from the Master of Business Administration Program
  6. Construction Management (B.S.) - Change major requirements by removing FSE 361 and adding FSE 379; Change supporting course requirements by deleting three upper-division hours of selected Business electives and adding three upper- or lower-division hours of the same electives.
  7. Health Education (B.S.) - Revise number of hours required to graduate: 120 for Community Health option, 120 for Wellness Option, 126 for School Health Option; add new course required by accrediting bodies; add requirement of "C" or better in major and support courses; change overall GPA required from 2.0 to 2.25 in Community Health and Wellness Options
  8. Minor in School Health, P-12 (Teaching) - Add HEA 320 and EHS 280 to required courses
  9. Physical Education (B.S.) - Revise PHE 415 requirement for PE Fitness and Wellness Option to REC 102 or REC 290.
  10. Recreation and Park Administration (M.S.) - Revise admissions requirements to reflect new Miller Analogy Test Scores
  11. English (B.A.) - Change program requirements - add requirement for three hour Theatre course to the following emphases in English major: Literature, Creative Writing, and Technical Writing; add Theatre capstone course to the Catalog; Remove six credits of foreign language requirements from the following options in the English major: Literature, Creative Writing, and Technical Writing; Change the current exclusion of Block VIII classes to require only Option 2 of that Block; Remove all non-foreign language Supporting Course requirements for the English Literature emphasis; Create a new block of required diversity courses in the following Emphases in the English major: Literature, Creative Writing, Technical Writing
  12. Paralegal Program - Add language to departmental requirements
  13. Psychology (B.S.) - Add PSY 319 Industrial/Organization Psychology for B.S. Degree
  14. Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.) - Add ELE 445W and EDF 319W to the Program
  15. Middle Grade Education (5-9) Teaching (B.S.) - Add EMG 445W and EDF 319W to the Program Core and Professional Education Requirements
  16. Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12) with Elementary Education (P-5) Teaching (B.S.) - Add ELE 445W and EDF 319W to the Program Core and Professional Education Requirements
  17. Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12) with Middle Grade Education (5-9) Teaching (B.S.) - Add ELE 445W and EDF 319W to the Program Core and Professional Education Requirements
  18. Special Education/Teaching (B.S.) Learning and Behavior Disorders - Add ELE 445W, EDF 319W, EMG 445W to the Program Core and Education Requirements.
    Draft for Approval of New Doctorate Program
  20. Early Intervention Roster Enrollment Report
  21. Counseling Ed.D. (New Program) - Proposal is participating in approval process for new Doctorate programs. (no documentation provided)
  22. Review of Graduation Regalia Approval Process - CAA moved to not approve any additional regalia requests for this academic year. A Work Group is reviewing the process, criteria and enforcement of students wearing stoles and sashes as academic regalia. The Work Group is chaired by Dr. Michael Foster. (no documentation provided)

Senator Ware stated that without objection from the Senate, the CAA items would be voted on in groups rather than individually.

Senator Robles moved approval of item 1, seconded by Senator May. Motion carried.

Senator Taylor moved approval of item 2, seconded by Senator Shordike. The majority were in favor and the motion carried.

Senator Flanagan moved approval of item 3, seconded by Senator Ciocca. Motion carried.

Senator Robles moved approval of item 4, seconded by Senator Petronio. Motion carried.

Senator Collins moved approval of items 5-18, seconded by Senator Schmelzer. Motion carried.

Items 19-22 were presented as informational items and will come before the Senate at a later date for action. Several questions arose on item #20 (Early Intervention Roster Enrollment Report) and Senator Ware encouraged the Senators to send feedback directly to Dr. Vice.


Senator Ware shared the following in her written report to the Senate.

The evaluation for President Whitlock has been completed and, upon receipt of the compiled data, the Executive Committee will submit its summary report to the Board at its next scheduled meeting.

The 30-day commenting period on the non-tenure evaluation policy was extended and five additional comments were received. The policy has made it through all the cycles and is now ready to forward to the President.

The following non-academic polices are up on the policies website for a 30-day review period: 1) Bulletin Board and Postings Places Policy and 2) Registered Student Organization Banking Policy.

The Policy on Policies' drafting team is in the review process. This policy will probably come before the Senate sometime next fall for review.

Two non-academic issues being considered for possible policy adoption are: 1) Inclement Weather Pay Policy; and 2) Policy to Regulate Children in the Work Place. Two non-academic policies in the early reviewal stages are: 1) Alcohol Policy and 2) Identity Theft Policy.

By way of update on the KCTCS tenure issue, a number of the KCTCS campuses have approved a no-confidence vote of their Board and president. It should be noted that the EKU Board of Regents passed a resolution in support of tenure at EKU at its meeting in April.

The CAA approved the 42 hour upper division requirement as recommended. Exceptions will still be approved on a case-by-case basis.


At the last meeting, the Board approved the promotion and tenure recommendations submitted by the President, approved Joe Molinaro (Department of Art and Design) as EKU's newest Foundation Professor, and approved the naming of two EKU facilities. The athletic training facility in the Moberly Building will be named in honor of Dr. Bobby Barton, long-time trainer. The new academic building in Manchester will be named in honor of Senator Robert Stivers, who has been instrumental in making construction of that facility possible.

The Board approved 46 curriculum-related items, including the EKU Now! Program (combined Dual Credit and Jump Start programs), a modification to the stopping out policy, a new policy governing recording of double majors, and moved the effective date for the 120th graduation to Summer 2009 (from Fall 2009).

The Board heard a report by James Street on the University's master plan, which was recently completed with the help of the Perkins and Will planning firm. The master plan will guide development of, and changes to, campus over the next 30-40 years. One of the most intriguing features of the plan is its creation of a central pedestrian pathway which will run north-south through campus, including crossing over the Bypass on a pedestrian overpass.

The Board approved three rate recommendations which are central to the budget which is being developed for 2009-2010. Tuition will increase next year an average of 4%. The approach to graduate tuition will be different next year. First, the charge will be by the credit exclusively. Second, "targeted tuition" rates will no longer be offered for some out-of-state graduate students. Third, the non-resident tuition rate (per credit hour) will decrease. So, the cost for enrolling in EKU graduate programs will go down for many non-resident students who are not on an assistantship. Residence hall rates will remain unchanged next year. Meal plans will go up approximately 5%. This increase was negotiated with Aramark.

Executive VP Moberly and Joann Ewalt gave an update on the activities of their respective councils (Financial Planning for Mr. Moberly, Strategic Planning for Dr. Ewalt). While this is the first run through of this new planning and budgeting structure, and while formation of the SPC lagged behind formation of the FPC, these two groups are both up and running now. Both council chairs reported an effective working relationship between the two groups.

The Board approved budget guidelines under which the FPC, with input from the SPC, will build the 2009-2010 university budget recommendations. Some of the key aspects of the budget guidelines include planning for an additional 3% reduction in state appropriations (EKU absorbed a 2% mid-year reduction in appropriations this year, and absorbed an additional 2% budget reduction when measures were put into place to deal with a possible 4% reduction. That second 2% is now available for use next year); reducing investment income estimates by 50% (to $500,000) to reflect the depressed financial market; holding salaries at 2008-09 levels; maintaining employment benefits at current levels; allocating additional money ($2.4 M ) to cover utility cost increases, energy management debt service, facilities service contracts, and property insurance increases; and increasing financial aid by $1.7 M. Within these parameters, the FPC (with input "bubbling up" from academic and other units) and the financial side of the administration are working on fleshing out a detailed budget, which will be presented to the Board at its June meeting.

The Board passed a resolution affirming the importance of the tenure system to Eastern. The obvious facet of the tenure system is its mission to protect academic freedom (including freedom of speech and freedom of choice in scholarly pursuits). The president perceptively pointed out the additional importance of tenure to the functioning of a meaningful system of shared governance. While the Board's action is symbolic, the symbolism is significant.

The presidential evaluation is progressing smoothly. Dr. Steven Portch was on campus all day on April 28th, meeting with focus groups comprised of faculty, staff, students, and community leaders. Dr. Portch also will conduct some telephone interviews of state leaders and others. The faculty survey instrument closed on April 29th after having been reopened for a second week. Data from the survey will be reported to the Senate Executive Committee during the week of May 4th. Dr. Portch will discuss his preliminary findings and recommendations with the Board in a telephone conference during the Board's June meeting.

The Board will next convene for a regular quarterly meeting on June 8th, in conjunction with the dedication ceremony for EKU's new Robert Stiver's Building, on the Manchester Regional Campus.

Senator McKenney reported that the term for the faculty representative on the Council on Postsecondary Education will end June 30th of this year and seven faculty from various state universities have been nominated for consideration for that position. Three faculty from EKU are among those nominated: Jerry Cook, Sara Zigler, and Nancy McKenney. The search committee for this position consists of all of the faculty regents of the state universities. They will decide the three finalists, and those names will be forwarded to the Governor who will make the final determination.

Academic Affairs portion of the budget cut for fiscal year 2010 totals $750,000. To cover the majority of that cut, Academic Affairs first reduced discretionary and designated funds as much as possible, and then collaborated with the academic units and non-academic units to allocate remaining needed funds strategically among the direct reports. The end result was that less than a half percent of the remaining budget cut for Academic Affairs had to be taken from the direct reporting units. (additional reports: Retention & Graduation Task Force, Student Success Advisory Council)

Senate Bill I has mandated that institutions of higher education work with K-12 and P-12 to ensure so-called curricular alignment. The CPE is leading that initiative. Core-academic content standards for reading and mathematics must also be developed.

There is a preliminary re-organization for Enrollment Management based on the input from the president and the group that was retained to help hire a new leader. Senator Piercey shared the latest version of the recommendations and also a short chart that shows the re-organization.

Senator Piercey thanked E.J. Keeley's office for administering the advising assessment and for providing that service to all academic units. The results are not available yet, but a number of departments participated in an effort to find out how effective the advising process is and how to make it better.

REPORT FROM THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION: Vice President DaJuane Harris for President Afsi Siahkoohi
Mr. Harris stated that the Student Government Association wants to continue to foster the relationship between Student Senate and Faculty Senate.


Budget Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee was invited to present concerns to the Strategic Planning Council on Wednesday, April 29th. The report was accepted with appreciation from the Strategic Planning Council. Anyone with budgetary concerns should share those with Senator Taylor, who serves on the Strategic Planning Committee as the Senate Vice Chair.

Rules Committee. Senator McKenney reported that the Rules Committee met eight times during the year to research and develop the proposal that led to the motion that passed today.

Rights and Responsibilities Committee. Senator Noblitt reported that the Rights and Responsibilities Committee reviewed the "policy on policies" document this past year.

Welfare Committee. Senator Foote reported that the Welfare Committee developed the following resolution:

On April 20, 2009, the Faculty Senate Welfare Committee voted unanimously to support President Whitlock's statement to "maintain and hopefully improve our benefits package" as long as no raise is made in the charges to benefits for faculty and staff.

The committee will support this stand in the University Benefits Committee meetings as they are held when figuring benefits for calendar year 2010.

Strategic Planning Council. Senator Taylor reported that the Strategic Planning Council has met and will continue to meet throughout the summer.

University Financial Planning Council. Senator Ware announced that the Council will be meeting this week.


Senator Piercey moved to adjourn at approximately 6 p.m.

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