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Minutes for April 6, 2009

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, April 6, 2009, in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Ware called the eighth meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Back B. Bentley*^ L. Bosley*
D. Carter* M. Case L. Collins*
D. Deaton B. Foley M. Gerken
T. Hartch*^ M. Hesse* J. Koontz
M. McAdams M. McDermott M. Nguyen
A. Nix* C. Palmer C. Park*
R. Piercey* B. Pruitt R. Sales*
C. Smith* B. Staddon  

*Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ ALT Marh Whitaker attending for B. Bentley
^ ALT John Bowes attending for T. Hartch

Visitors to the Senate: Tina Davis, Registrar; Deborah Newsom, Financial Affairs; Jerry Pogatshnik, Graduate School; Jaleh Rezaie, Graduate School; Sherry Robinson, Provost Office; and Janna Vice, Academic Affairs

The March 2, 2009 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Whitlock announced that he and the advancement team will be leaving tomorrow for California. While there they will be meeting with major donor prospects and will hold alumni meetings in San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. There are about 500 or more EKU graduates in each of those cities.

Last Thursday, Senator Whitlock met with the new formed Strategic Planning Council, chaired by Dr. Jo Ann Ewalt. The SPC and the FPC plan to conduct their work in a collegial, shared governance mode in order to align responsibility and accountability.

In last August's convocation remarks, Senator Whitlock committed to visiting with each college faculty sometime during the year. He and Provost Piercey have met with four colleges and will meet with the remaining college soon. In addition, he has also participated in the Fireside Chats in the Faculty Club in the Keen Johnson Building and in the professional learning community discussion of Derek Bok's recent book on American colleges and universities.

Official notice has been received from the Governor's budget office that the current year appropriation has been reduced by two percent, as expected. As noted earlier, EKU implemented a four percent reduction in anticipation of additional cuts in 2009-10. In addition, the Financial Planning Council will be recommending further economies to prepare for the coming year. This includes about $800,000 in savings from administrative positions that have been cut through attrition and further reductions in certain institutional pool accounts. Hopefully this will minimize any future cuts to departments and other units.

It is unknown at this time how the budget stabilization funds from President Obama's stimulus package will affect EKU. One scenario (the best one) would be that there would not be a further reduction to the appropriation base. In this event, the campus community would work together to reallocate the funds previously set aside for additional cuts and would be able to spend the stimulus package funds on one-time allocations to better position the institution. The other scenario would be that there would be another base reduction and the stimulus funds would be used for "backfill." In either event the Strategic Planning Council and the Financial Planning Council would work together to provide recommendations.

There are a variety of opportunities in the stimulus package through which EKU can compete for grant and contract funding. The state is working to coordinate some of those efforts to maximize the benefits that might accrue to Kentucky. EKU is a significant actor in this regard.

An exciting announcement will probably be released later this month regarding an opportunity to receive congressional earmark funds.

Senate Bill 1, in the recently concluded session of the General Assembly, has some significant and exciting implications for higher education. It requires the Kentucky Department of Education, the Council on Postsecondary Education, and the state's higher education institutions to collaborate specifically in the setting of standards in reading, math, and the alignment of curricula. This will be a process that will require significant faculty involvement.

Discussions with Morehead State University, the community/technical colleges, and private institutions in EKU's and Morehead's service regions continue to make progress. The University Center of the Mountains at Hazard, and the Center for Rural Development at Somerset are also partners in this collaborative effort aimed at effective regional stewardship through collaboration.

Next month, Senator Whitlock and his wife plan to visit China. The trip will be financed by a combination of Chinese support and personal funds. While there, Senator Whitlock will make a presentation on "Globalization and the Stewardship of Place" at an international conference. While there he will also renew EKU's partnership agreement with Liaoning University of Technology. He also plans to visit Daegu Haany University, EKU's partner institution in South Korea, before returning.

Senator Whitlock's long-term commitment is to return this institution to the point it was 10 years earlier. At that time faculty was compensated at more than 100 percent of the benchmark and staff was at 100 percent. There is still some work to be done before a recommendation can be presented to the Board of Regents in the way of salary and benefit improvements.


Graduate Faculty Criteria. The Graduate Faculty Criteria policy was presented at the March Senate meeting and deferred for a vote to the April meeting. Senator Robles moved approval of the Graduate Faculty Criteria policy, seconded by Senator Taylor. The majority was in agreement and the motion carried. (supporting doc)


Report on Cooperative Education. Senator Ware announced that the cooperative education report will be given at the May meeting.

Report on QEP Progress. Senator Noblitt announced that the QEP Progress report will be given at the May meeting.

Report on Campus Copyright Issues. Senator Noblitt reported that the Campus Copyright Issues Work group was formed to address copyright questions on campus. The work group plans to:

  1. Gather presently existing EKU sources involving U.S. Copyright Law in a central easily accessible location;
  2. Gather information from other sources to post in this central easily accessible location to answer general questions about copyright issues;
  3. Gather anonymous requests from faculty, staff, and students to answer questions about copyright law;
  4. Develop educational opportunities to assist faculty, staff, and students in understanding copyright law; and
  5. Identify means to assist faculty, staff, and students in addressing copyright concerns.

Report on New Scheduling Software. Tina Davis announced that the report on the new scheduling software will be given at the May meeting.

Report on Stimulus Funding Available to Faculty. Dr. Jerry Pogatshnik was in attendance to inform faculty about programs available through the stimulus package (the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act [ARRA]) and how his office can assist those faculty interested in pursuing any of those programs. The list of programs is available through the Sponsored Programs website. The list will continue to be updated through May 1st, so be sure to check often.

Posthumous Degree for Megan Myers. Senator Taylor moved approval to award a posthumous degree for Megan Myers, seconded by Senator Noblitt. Motion carried.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Dr. Janna Vice

  1. EKU Now! Program Catalog language proposal
  2. B.S. in Emergency Medical Care - Remove EMC 212, BIO 378, Safety, and Free Electives; Revise Total Curriculum Requirements from 128 to 120.
  3. ASP in Paramedicine ­ Remove EMC 212
  4. B.S. in Homeland Security - Remove Minor Requirement and Increase Number of Free Electives Revise Total Curriculum Requirements from 128 to 120.
  5. B.S. in Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies ­ Reduce hours of Free Electives from 43 to 35, which will reduce the Total Curriculum Requirements from 128 to 120.
  6. African/African-American Studies Minor and Certificate Revision - Add AFA 305, 361, 367, 378, 388, 435, and 372S to the course offerings.
  7. Bachelor of Individualized Studies (B.I.S.) ­ Decrease the number of required electives by 8 credit hours thereby reducing the number of required curriculum hours from 128 to 120.
  8. General Studies B.A. - Decrease the number of free electives by 8 credit hours thereby reducing the number of required curriculum hours from 128 to 120.
  9. Anthropology Program Revision ­ Change major requirement and hours required to graduate
  10. GIS Certificate ­ New Program
  11. B.B.A. Accounting Program Revision ­ Eliminate ACC 442 and 527 from the Accounting Program
  12. Minor in Advertising Program Revision ­ Change Minor to drop COM 320 Series and add JOU or PUB 320
  13. Minor in Visual Media Program Revision ­ Change Minor to drop COM 320 Series and add JOU or PUB 320
  14. B.A. in Journalism Program Revision ­ Change Major to drop COM 320 Series and add new courses
  15. B.A. in Public Relations Program Revision ­ Change Major to drop COM 320 Series and add new courses
  16. B.B.A. in General Business (All Options) Program Revision ­ Add a Corporate Communication and Technology option to General Business B.B.A. program.
    -Move CIS400 as a major requirement under the course requirements for the first three options.
    -Replace CIS 435 with 335 in Global Supply-Chain Management Option.
    -Adjust free electives accordingly for the new CCT option.
    -Reduce the General Business Major (all Options) to 120 hours from 128 by streamlining the curriculum and omitting courses without compromising the quality of the programs
  17. B.S. in Business Marketing Education/Teaching ­ Request exclusion For General Education requirement: Block VII (QS) to take CIS 212 or CSC 104
  18. B.S. Physical Education Program Revision ­ Remove PHE 415 requirement under option and add REC 102 or REC 290 under Support Option for Fitness and Wellness Option
  19. Minor in Community Health Program Revision ­ Add HEA 320 to required courses and EHS 280 to Elective Courses under Minor
  20. Health Services Administration Major Program Revision ­ Decrease overall program requirements from 128 to 120 credit hours; delete ECO 370 as support course from option in HCAI; specify course alternatives for satisfying support course requirements
  21. Master of Public Health Program Revision ­ Drop thesis in all options
  22. Occupational Science B.S. ­ Decrease total hours from 128 to 120
  23. Occupational Therapy M.S. ­ Change Graduate Catalog description of the admission process for option 2
  24. Recreation and Park Administration B.S. Program Revision ­ Decrease total hours from 128 to 120.

  25. AA Degree in General Studies

Senator Phillips moved approval of item 1, seconded by Senator Pressley. Motion carried.

Senator Phillips moved to bundle those items changing from 128 to 120 hours, seconded by Senator Schmelzer. Motion carried.

Senator Reed moved approval of items 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 20, 22, and 24, seconded by Senator Shordike. Motion carried.

Senator Robles moved approval of item 3, seconded by Senator Resor. Motion carried.

Senator Resor moved approval of item 6, seconded by Senator Reed. Motion carried.

Senator Resor moved approval of item 9, seconded by Senator Lowry. Motion carried.

Senator Resor moved approval of item 10, seconded by Senator Borowski. Motion carried.

Senator Randles moved approval of item 11, seconded by Senator Robles. Motion carried.

Senator Robles moved approval of item 12, seconded by Senator Schmelzer. Motion carried.

Senator Taylor moved approval of item 13, seconded by Senator Robles. Motion carried.

Senator Kristofik moved approval of item 14, seconded by Senator Randles. Motion carried.

Senator Taylor moved approval of item 15, seconded by Senator Lowry. Motion carried.

Senator Robles moved approval of item 17, seconded by Senator Richardson. Motion carried.

Senator May moved approval of item 18, seconded by Senator Robles. Motion carried.

Senator Resor moved approval of item 19, seconded by Senator Pressley. Motion carried.

Senator Bhandari moved approval of item 21, seconded by Senator Howell. Motion carried.

Senator Shordike moved approval of item 23, seconded by Senator Robles. Motion carried.

Item 25 (AA in General Studies) was presented as an informational item and will be presented as an action item at the May meeting.


Senator Ware announced that several faculty have voiced concerns regarding technology issues. She plans to meet with Mona Isaacs in ITDS next week in an effort to work together to effect changes in the best way possible for all. Please share any technology concerns with Senator Ware before next week, and she will convey those to Mona.

Based on feedback pertaining to policy review, the provost's office extended the review period for Policy 4.6.5 (Evaluation of Non-Tenured Faculty) and the new policy, 4.1.12 (Course Registration) until April 10th.

In the interest of facilitating student graduation prior to having all of the writing intensive courses implemented, Senator Ware is pursuing guidelines for extending the deadline beyond December, 2009.

In the future, EKU will be operating under a "paperless pay" system; there will no longer be printed verification of compensation.

At Senator Ware's request, the Rules Committee has been discussing the need for a new Standing Committee on Academics. The structure of this committee would be similar to the Senate Budget Committee, and, like the Budget Committee, would serve in an advisory capacity on issues affecting faculty related to academics. In the meantime, Senator Ware has appointed an Ad Hoc Committee on Academics to address current pressing issues. The committee will work with Senator Taylor as the senate representative to the Strategic Planning Council, and in other advisory capacities as necessary. Examples of issues to be addressed immediately and over the summer include, but are not limited to: 1) advising; 2) upcoming discussions on an Associate of General Studies; 3) 120-hour minimum for degrees; 3) upper division hours requirement; and 4) 16-week scheduling.

Senator Ware informed the senators that the Provost Council approved going to a 16-week semester beginning fall 2010. The Council members referenced the straw poll from the Senate that seemed to indicate that most faculty favored the 16-week semester. The recommendation hasn't been presented to the President yet.

Several senators voiced concerns about the straw poll on the 16-week semester which was taken at the March meeting and urged that a straw poll should never be taken again.

The Executive Committee met on March 23. One item discussed was the final resolution of the KCTCS tenure issue. No further actions are pending at this time, but COSFL will continue to monitor this.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Johnson, to extend the meeting beyond 5:30 p.m. Motion carried.


The Board has not met since the last Senate meeting. However, the Board is moving forward in two areas.

First, progress is being made on the presidential evaluation. E.J. Keeley, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research, is serving as EKU's liaison with the Pappas Consulting Group. EJ has been working closely with Dr. Steven Portch (from Pappas) and the appropriate people at EKU to develop survey instruments and make arrangements for completing the information-gathering part of the evaluation. With input from the Senate Executive Committee, a faculty survey instrument has been designed. Similar instruments were also developed for staff and students, with input from staff and student leaders. Pappas is in the process of getting those set up on a host website. The surveys will be open online April 8-17. A dedicated email address will also be available to faculty so that additional comments can be made directly to the consultant after the survey period. An email will be distributed soon explaining the procedure for accessing the survey. Dr. Portch will be on campus for focus group interviews on April 28th.

On another note, it is time for a new faculty representative on the Council on Postsecondary Education. The faculty regents from the state institutions of higher learning constitute the nominating committee, which will submit a list of three candidates from which the governor will appoint the new CPE member. Senator Frisbie plans to submit one or two names to the committee chairman by Friday, April 10th.

The Board will next convene for a regular quarterly meeting on 24 April 2009.


Paul Callan, COSFL Representative and Faculty Regent of KCTCS, reported that the KCTCS Board would be meeting March 12-13 to vote on a resolution to end tenure for new faculty hires at KCTCS. Faculty have received support from the American Federation of Teachers, The Technical Faculty Alliance, and the Community College Faculty Alliance. The regional universities have also offered support.

House Bill 187 (aimed at stopping the KCTCS board from ending tenure for new faculty) was passed from the House Committee. If this bill fails, another one may be introduced next year.

COSFL President Peggy Pittman-Munke indicated that COSFL has sent individual letters to all KCTCS Board members. She encouraged the state universities to try to get resolutions by e-mail from their faculty senates. She noted that "this could be a cancer that might spread throughout higher education. This could hurt the quality of students."

Mark Wattier, Faculty Representative to the CPE, suggested that senate executive committees send resolutions if there isn't time for senates to meet.

Tucker Landy reported that the clause regarding penalties for faculty was removed from the Legislature's textbook bill. Another phrase regarding ethics (of publishers, etc.) was inserted instead.

Mark Wattier reported that his term as Faculty representative to the CPE will end in June. COSFL will need to send at least 3 names to the Governor so that a new faculty representative can be selected.

Mark Wattier emphasized the need to cater to adults returning to school due to job loss. Also, the new G.I Bill should lead to a wave of veterans coming to school. It will be important to look at giving credit for experiential learning.

In response to a question from Paul Callan about changing "double the numbers" to include KCTCS numbers, Mark Wattier stated that House Bill 1 is the leverage with the Legislature. It was amended once to break KCTCS away from the University of Kentucky. There is considerable hesitancy to amend it further. He suggested the idea of using the "pipeline" (i.e. how many 9th graders go on to college in Kentucky) for statistics.

The COSFL President and members felt that a small group was needed to draft recommendations for the Governor's Higher Education Work Group. Peggy Pittman-Munke will chair this subcommittee. Suggested issues to address include: financial matters, remedial (or developmental) education, transfer, and technology. Another possible issue to examine (now or in the future) is the loss of minority doctoral candidates from Kentucky.

A meeting date of Friday, April 10, 2009 was suggested. Paul Callan offered to see if the group might meet in Versailles.


Elections Committee. Senator Randles shared a list of committee vacancies that will need to be filled at the May organizational meeting.

Senator Resor asked for nominations for Senate Chair and Vice Chair for the next academic year.

Senator Ware was nominated to serve as Senate Chair for the 2009-2010 academic year. Senator Phillips moved to close nominations, seconded by Senator Ciocca. Motion carried.

Senator Taylor was nominated to serve as Senate Vice-Chair for the 2009-2010 academic year. Senator Robles moved to close nominations, seconded by Senator Schmelzer. Motion carried.

Elections for all vacant positions will be held at the organizational meeting in May immediately following the regularly scheduled Senate meeting. New senators are encouraged to attend the regularly scheduled meeting in May as guests, and then take their official seats at the organizational meeting.

Senator Robles requested that all committee reports that were not originally included in the Senate packet be distributed electronically.

Budget Committee
. Senator Johnson reported that the Budget Committee met March 6, 2009 and expressed its concerns that the Strategic Planning Council had not met while the Financial Planning Council continued to build the budget for the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

The committee will press for reallocation of some administrative positions back into faculty lines with a concurrent reduction of compensation levels. The committee will also continue to focus on generating new faculty lines and reducing the number of upper level administration positions.

In this time of cutting budgets, the Senate Budget Committee is looking at any possibility of funds that could help with these cuts. One place to review is travel money used by administrators versus travel money allocated to faculty. It seems that few faculty are allocated enough travel funds to travel to even a single conference while at least some administrators receive travel funding to attend two conferences per year.

CPE has approved the following tuition parameters: KCTCS 3%; Regional Comprehensives 4%; and Research Universities 5%.

Rules Committee. In her written report to the Senate, Senator McKenney shared the following information.

The Rules Committee met March 3, 17, 24, and 31 to discuss and drafted a motion to create a new Senate standing committee to deal with academic concerns.

In the course of deliberations the question of whether this committee should deal with the issues of academic freedom and shared governance was raised. One idea proposed was that a separate committee should be established to deal solely with academic freedom. Another idea suggested was that academic freedom and shared governance would logically come under the purview of the Rights and Responsibilities Committee. With this latter idea in mind, Senator Lynette Noblitt, Chair of Rights and Responsibilities Committee, was invited to attend a couple of meetings to share her insights.

Committee on Committees. Senator Butler reported that the self-nomination survey for university committee vacancies has been distributed.

Senator Butler stated that the committee plans to solicit nominations for the General Education Committee earlier next year, since that committee begins work sooner than most committees.

Welfare Committee. Senator Foote reported that the committee met in conjunction with the Benefits Committee on March 24th to discuss information about Express Scripts.

Ad Hoc Committee Report on EKU Community College. Senator Taylor reported that the sub committee met recently. Senators Taylor and Shordike have continued to stay in contact with the Associate Provost, Dr. Janna Vice, on this issue.

Strategic Planning Council. Senator Taylor reported that the Council met and reviewed the charge.

University Financial Planning Council. Senator Ware reported that the Financial Planning Council has been discussing tuition.

Work Group on Upper Division Electives. Senator May reported that the committee has met twice and their recommendation of 42 upper division hours has been presented to the Council on Academic Affairs. Liz Throop, chair of the work group, was asked to check with the Associate Deans to see how this recommendation might impact students.


Senator Foote moved to adjourn at approximately 5:45 p.m.

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