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Minutes for September 14, 2015

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 14, 2015 in the South Ballroom of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Day called the first meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members were absent:

M. Benson* D. Embury*^ K. Gray-Denson
L. Higgins E. Morrett M. Pianalto
D. Robinson*^ B. Ruhfel* S. Szabo*

Indicates prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ SUB Kristi Lunceford attended for D. Embury
^ ALT Matthew Palumbo attended for D. Robinson


Senator Day welcomed the students from COM 301 Writing and Reporting who will be tweeting about today’s meeting at #EKUfacultysenate.

Parliamentarian Sharon Edwards shared some parliamentary procedures to keep in mind when discussing issues.

  • Meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Order. However, bylaws and special rules adopted by Senate take precedence over Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Stand to be recognized by the chair before speaking
  • Agenda items should be submitted at least two weeks prior to meetings
  • For each motion senators may speak twice to that motion and an additional two times if there is an amendment to the motion. One exception to the rule is that if the chair asks for an opinion, a senator may speak for a third time. Another exception is if a topic calls for the pros and cons of an issue, the chair may alternate between those speaking for or against the issue.
  • The correct verbiage to make a motion is “I move that …”

At Senator Day’s suggestion, Senator O’Brien moved to add an additional item to the agenda at the end of “New Business” to consider language change in Policy 4.6.17, seconded by Senator Hale. Motion carried.


The May 4, 2015 regular and organizational minutes were approved as written.


Senator Benson shared the following in his written report to Senate.

  • “Make No Little Plans: A Vision for 2020”
    The new Strategic Plan, “Make No Little Plans: A Vision for 2020,” is a perfect example of teamwork. The new plan focuses on six strategic goals: Academic Excellence, Commitment to Student Success. Institutional Distinction, Financial Strength, Campus Revitalization and Service to Communities and Region
  • Records Fall: Quantity and Quality
    This is our largest freshman class in the institution’s history. As of this morning, enrollment stood at 16,958 which is a 3.20% increase from this time last year.
    However, it is not just a matter of quantity. This is also one of our best-prepared freshman classes, as the number of students entering with developmental needs is down from 31 percent just two years ago to 21 percent this year. This year’s freshman class also brings a higher average ACT score and high school GPA than preceding classes.
  • Best Fund-Raising Year Since 2001
    The Development staff recently concluded the best fund-raising year at EKU since 2001. The total of $4.1 million reflects donations to all areas of the University: academic colleges and departments, facilities, athletics, The Eastern Fund, endowed scholarship funds, and more.
  • Another Kentucky Runway Cleared for Landing
    Last month, several of us from EKU were on hand at the Ashland Regional Airport for another milestone involving our nationally-unique aviation program, as our network of 2+2 community and technical college partners continues to grow.
  • Model Lab Makes List of Nation’s Top High Schools … Again
    For the second consecutive year, Model Laboratory High School ranks among the top 2 percent of the nation’s public high schools, according to Newsweek magazine. Model is one of only three Kentucky schools to rank in the top 500 among the nation’s approximately 25,000 public high schools.
  • Regents Authorize Self-Management of Capital Construction Projects
    The University will now self-manage its capital construction projects.
    In its special-called meeting last week, the Board of Regents approved a resolution authorizing the University to take the leading role in administration of all capital projects valued at more than $600,000. The action taken by the Board now awaits approval by a legislative committee.
    House Bill 622, enacted by the 1982 General Assembly and codified in the Kentucky Revised Statutes, authorized the governing boards of the state’s universities to elect to perform locally one or more of certain financial management functions previously performed by other parts of state government, including capital construction, and to delegate authority for implementation to an institution’s president.
  • Chautauqua Lecture Series Asks “What If?”
    The theme for the Chautauqua series this academic year is “What If?”
    A stellar lineup of distinguished scholars, best-selling authors, social activists and prominent educators has been planned. They include best-selling author/historian Douglas Brinkley, who is coming here next April.
  • Center for the Arts Kicks off Season, Prepares to Host Gubernatorial Debate
    Visit to see the full list of programs for this coming year. The Center’s theme this season is “You’ll Love What You See”.
    In addition to all the entertainment, the Center will for the second time host a Kentucky gubernatorial debate on October 25.
  • Campus Challenge Finalists
    Several outstanding ideas were received from EKU faculty and staff as part of the Campus Challenge initiative. The five submissions selected as finalists are listed below:
    • Randy Wilson – “Establishing Sustainability Practices into the Campus Waste Management and Recycling Program”
    • Stephanie McSpirit, Ed Fredrickson, Michelle Gerken, Rick Griebenow, Cheryl Martin, Mark A. Martin, Radhika Makecha, Robert Mitchell, Anne Rodiek, John Settimi, Kathryn L. Splinter-Watkins and Sarah Tsiang – “Kick Start Campaign and Master Plan: Horses, Humans and Health Equine Complex”
    • Anthony Lamanna, Scott Arias, Bryan Dyer and Chengyi (Charlie) Zhang – “Race to Next Greatest Generation”
    • Steve Greenwell – “Return of Retired Faculty”
    • Grace Baldwin and Bernardo Scarambone – “The Campus Beautifood”
    These finalists will present their proposals at the first-ever “Colonel Tank” in October. Judges will hear the five presentations and award a $10,000 cash prize, provided by the EKU Foundation, to the successful candidate or team.
  • Faculty Achievements
    EKU faculty continue to distinguish themselves on the state and national stage. In the last few months, honorees include:
    • Art and Design Professor Isaac Powell, whose work was on display at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
    • Dr. Melinda Wilder, director of the Division of Natural Areas, who received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Kentucky Association for Environmental Education.
    • Dr. Qian Xiao, assistant professor of management, who received the 11th annual Jack L. Dyer Excellence in Teaching Award.
    • Dr. Jacquelyn Jensen, program coordinator for Family and Consumer Sciences education, presented the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year Award.
    • Dr. Ron Jones, retired biology professor, for whom the University’s renowned herbarium is now named.
  • Personnel Announcements
    • Dr. Vic Kappeler, Dean of the College of Justice & Safety
    • Dr. Tanlee Wasson, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Institutional Research
    • Paul Gannoe, Director of Capital Construction and Project Administration
    • Kristi Runyon Middleton, Chief External Affairs Officer
    • Joslyn Glover, Director of Institutional Equity
    • Dr. Timothy Forde, Director of African/African-American Studies Program
    • Patrick McKee, Sustainability Manager
    • Ken Johnson, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer (as a national search continues to hire a chief human resources officer)

EKU employees deserve to be compensated fairly for the work they do and the service they render. To that end, plans will be announced shortly relative to a cost of living increase for all personnel as well as future plans for IPEP, phase 3. The cost of living increase should be effective November 1, 2015. More details will be forthcoming in the next few days. 


Policy 4.6.7 – Post Tenure Review. Senator Day presented policy 4.6.7 for a second reading. There will be a faculty forum to discuss the policy on Friday, September 18 at 2pm in the O’Donnell Auditorium, Whitlock Building. Depending on the outcome of the forum, the policy will be on the October agenda for action.


Policy 1.1.1 – Policy on Policies. Senator Day presented policy 1.1.1 for a first reading. The policy will be on the October agenda for action.

Policy 11.3.1 – Records Management. Senator Day presented policy 11.3.1 for a first reading. The policy will be on the October agenda for action.

R&R Committee Election. Senator Nicola Mason was elected to fill the vacancy on the Rights and Responsibilities Committee.

Report from Council on Academic Affairs - Senator Vice

Program Revisions
University Programs
Bachelor of General Studies

  1. Bachelor of General Studies 
    Create a graduate certificate in Construction Management.
    1. Remove the Exit Requirement from the Bachelor of General Studies, General Track
    2. Remove the Paraeducation tracks from the General Studies, Professional Track program

Department of Women and Gender Studies

  1. Minor in Women and Gender Studies
    Add WGS 366 to the curriculum of the Minor.
  2. Certificate in Women and Gender Studies
    Add WGS 366 to the curriculum of the Certificate.

Information Items

  1. Honors Program GPA Requirement Change
    The Honors Program has updated its minimum GPA standards policy to be more in-line with national benchmark standards.
  1. "Undeclared Major" Designation Change to the term "Exploratory"
    "Exploratory" is perceived more positively as a choice students can make while still exploring their options..
  2. Credit for AP Research course
    For students completing the AP Research course with a score above 3, credit will be awarded for ENG 102.
  1. Professional Education Requirements, Updates to All Teaching Programs

On behalf of CAA, Senator Vice moved approval of items 1-3.  Motion carried.

Items 4-6 were presented for first read only and will come forward later for action.  Item 7 was listed for information only.

Policy 4.6.17 – Annual Review of Tenured Faculty. Senator Day stated that based on remarks received during the commenting period on Policy 4.6.17, there should to be a substantive language change in the section dealing with the membership of a third year review committee. In the version the Senate originally approved, members of the third year review committee were not eligible to also serve on the department or college P&T committees. The change requested would allow them to serve on either the department committee or the college committee but not both. Vice Provost Robinson was available to provide history and to answer questions.

Motion carried to accept the language change. 



Senator Day made the following announcements:

  • The October 5th Senate meeting will be held in Perkins Quads A/B
  • New Senator Orientation will meet on Monday, September 21st at 2pm in Walnut Hall, Keen Johnson Building
  • A Post Tenure Review Forum will be held on Friday, September 18th at 2pm in O’Donnell Auditorium. The forum is co-sponsored by the Faculty Senate and the Provost Office.

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee approved a request from Senator Todd Hartch to initiate a study of EKU Athletics and its relationship to academics. Senator Rusty Carpenter (Noel Studio) has agreed to Chair that effort. If all goes as planned, the committee will produce a feasibility study, and there will be a follow up debate in the spring to discuss the related philosophical issues. Professor Mike Austin (Philosophy & Religion) has agreed to help with the debate. The outcome of these activities may or may not lead to a faculty resolution.

The Faculty Senate Executive Committee also approved the creation of an ad hoc Committee on Senate Transparency. Senator Deborah Givens, who proposed the study, has also agreed to Chair, and essentially, review Senate practices for legal compliance with Kentucky’s Open Meetings, and Open Records laws.

Faculty Senate representatives are needed to serve on six policy drafting teams. If you have expertise or interest in serving on one of these teams please send a note to The policies under consideration are:

  • Anti-Bullying
  • Intellectual Property
  • Faculty Grievance
  • Part-time faculty (3 policies)
    • 4.6.13, Part-Time Faculty Appointments
    • 4.6.14, Evaluation of Part-Time Faculty
    • 4.6.2, Adjunct Faculty

As you may recall, in the middle of last year surrounding the discussion that the regents were having about improving campus facilities and the emphasis on Athletics, faculty asked the President to not forget the scholarship upon which teaching relies in that process. He has responded with the President’s Research and Scholarship Fund which was referred to in the August convocation. Sara Zeigler and Jerry Pogatshnik will be co-chairing the committee which oversees this initiative. Senator Day has asked Senator Zeigler to provide updates to the Senate throughout the year.

The electronics in the South Ballroom in Keen Johnson will soon be upgraded. In the near future there will be two 80-inch televisions installed at each end of the room which will provide more professional capabilities for presentations. Anyone who wants to give a presentation to the Senate should provide their materials no later than the Friday preceding Monday’s Senate meeting. 


The Board of Regents has met four times since the Senate last met in May.

The Board met in special session on Tuesday, September 8, 2015. Following are highlights from the meeting.

  • A special meeting of the Board was called for the purpose of swearing in two new members (Craig King and Katie Scott) and reappointing Nancy Collins.
  • When new members are added to the Board, the Board must hold an election of officers (for all officer positions except for the chair whose election is held in January). The Board unanimously voted to keep Ernie House as Vice Chair; and David Tandy as Secretary.
  • Additionally, the Board reviewed and unanimously voted on President Benson’s resolution authorizing the University to perform the management and administration of capital construction.
  • The Board went into executive session for the purpose of discussing the potential sale and purchase of property.

June 2015 was a busy month for the Board. The Finance and Planning Committee, along with other members of the BOR, met June 8, 2015 to review the 2015-2016 Operating Budget (no decisions were made at this meeting); Board members met June 9, 2015 to review the proposed Strategic Plan; and the Quarterly meeting of the Board was held June 22, 2015.

Below are highlights from the June 22nd meeting:

  • Bryan Makinen was welcomed as the recently re-elected Staff Regent.
  • All action items from the morning business meetings were presented to the Board for approval. All action items were unanimously approved, as were the April 20, 2015 minutes. The following items were tabled by the Full Board: Policies 1.5.1 Financial Exigency and 4.6.16 Dismissal of Faculty (as recommended by the sub-committees).
  • The Board went into Executive Session for purposes of discussing pending litigation (KRS 61.810 (c) and personal issues (KRS 61.810 (f)).
  • In June, Governor Beshear appointed Craig King, of Nicholasville, as a member of the Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents to serve for a term expiring June 30, 2021. Mr. King replaces Janie Miller, whose term has expired. Nancy Collins, of Hazard, was reappointed as a member of the Eastern Kentucky University Board of Regents to serve for a term expiring June 30, 2021.

Schedule of 2015-2016 Board meetings:

  • October 19, 2015 Whitlock Building Room 549
  • January 25, 2016; location TBA
  • April 25, 2016; location TBA
  • June 20, 2016; location TBA 


In the Provost report in May, Senator Vice listed the following item as one that would be a priority for Academic Affairs this year: A deeper focus on high-impact learning strategies as required in our ACCT (Applied Critical and Creative Thinking) for all majors.

Since then, these ACCT requirements have taken on even greater significance. As CPE prepares its new Statewide Strategic Agenda, CPE is considering asking institutions to report on these high-impact learning strategies to demonstrate quality. Note that four of the five are included in our ACCT.

From Dr. Jay Morgan, VP for Academic Affairs and Student Success at CPE:  For instance we could use the following as a common set of metrics (Institutions would select 3 of the 5 to focus on)

  • Internships/Co-ops: the total number of students (or percent) that participate in an internship or cooperative work experience that would qualify for academic credit, and/or be composed of at least 200 professional working hours or more (measured by each institution’s career or internship office)
  • Study Abroad: the total number of students (or percent) that participate in a university-level study abroad experience that would qualify for academic credit, or be involved with a study abroad experience of two weeks or more that is academically administered (measured by each institution’s study abroad or education abroad office)
  • Service Learning: the total number of students (or percent) that participate in a university-level service-learning or community-learning experience that would result in academic credit, or be a portion of an academic-credit-bearing course in which the student participates in at least 15 hours of service-learning or community-service time (measured by each institution’s specific office(s) or another campus designee)
  • Undergraduate Research: the total number of students (or percent) that participate in a university-level undergraduate research experience which culminates into completion of an academic credit in undergraduate research, or at least one peer-reviewed presentation/publication, or at least one off-campus presentation which exhibits the students research outcomes (measured by each institution’s specific office(s) or designee)
  • Value-Added Academic and/or CTE/Workforce Certificates: the total number of students (or percent) that complete a value-added certificate resulting in academic credit that is used to enhance the students skill set and/or experience. These certificates can be embedded into the existing 2- or 4-year or graduate curriculum.

August 25, 2015  

CPE will also ask us to identify two or three "institution specific" metrics to be selected from a CPE provided list.  The following items are being considered:

CPE’s Proposed “Institution-Specific Metrics:

  • Passage rates on licensure and certification examinations
  • Maintenance of passage rates and maintenance of graduation rates for professional programs
  • Number of regionally/nationally or discipline-specific accredited academic programs
  • Percent of total E and G expenditures expended on instruction/research, etc.
  • Faculty-to-student ratios or students served both major and non-major per faculty FTE
  • Percent of graduates gaining academic credit for applied learning experiences (internships, co-ops, etc.)
  • Number of hours of training the faculty body has in each year related to pedagogical development via an institution’s faculty development center
  • Performance of students on institutional assessments (general education and major areas)
  • Faculty instructional cost per student FTE
  • Average ACT/SAT of incoming students
  • Number of faculty peer-reviewed publications
  • Percent of graduating seniors who also obtain an honors college/program completion certificate/diploma
  • Percent of graduate students (masters level) who complete a thesis
  • Percent of graduates who also complete one or more “valued-added” certificates in an area of expertise
  • Accountability in distance-learning courses – (percent of online courses using software to validate student identity via camera, fingerprint, or other type of advanced identification process)
  • Participation in the Multi-state Collaborative for the Advancement of Learning Outcomes Assessment

The new Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP-2017) will be further developed this year. The Topic Selection Team has recommended a topic: “Critical reading for independent learning.” To learn more about the QEP-2017 topic and process, see the newsletter at

At the August meeting, the Council on Academic Affairs began a discussion on a potential change in language for students who have not declared a major. The change would designate these students as “Exploratory” rather than “Undeclared”. In addition, the Associate Deans are reviewing how to streamline the curriculum process.

As a result of the KY Council of Chief Academic Officers’ (CCAO) action, institutions will file a “notice of intent” with CPE and the CAOs for each proposed new program. After the new program is on the CCAO agenda for at least two consecutive months, the pre-proposal can then move forward to CPE. The CAOs were informed (second reading) in April of EKU’s intent to file the following new programs for the Master of Science in Athletic Training and Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences CPE has now reviewed these programs, and they will be action items on CPE’s September agenda.

The CAOs will do a second reading in September of our intent to file the new program, Master of Arts in American Sign Language Studies 

Please note the following upcoming dates:

  • Friday, September 18
    2 p.m., O’Donnell Auditorium, Whitlock Building - Post-Tenure Review Policy Open Forum (co-sponsored by Provost’s Office and Faculty Senate)
    3:30 p.m., Faculty Lounge, Keen Johnson - Open Faculty Forum to discuss Tips for Success in Promotion & Tenure (sponsored by the EKU Chapter of the AAUP)
  • Friday, September 25 – 4th Annual Assurance of Learning Day
  • Friday, October 30 – Metacognition workshop for Faculty with Dr. Saundra McGuire, O’Donnell Auditorium, Whitlock Building.
    Pre-register at

Please join the Provost for lunch, Wednesday, September 16, 12-1 p.m., Fresh Food Company, Powell, if schedules permit. Sign in at either register.


Upcoming events for Student Activities Council include:

  • Free cultural dinner on Thursday, September 24th in the Kennamer Room, Powell building, catered by Masala Fine Indian Cuisine
  • Free movie (Cinderella) on Friday night during Family Weekend at 8pm in O’Donnell Hall. This is open to the campus community
  • Tailgating event in AC on Saturday, September 26. Free fanny packs and rally towels will be available for students and faculty

There are six vacancies available on Student Senate which should be filled within the next couple of weeks. Suggestions for positions should be forwarded to Collin Potter, Vice President.

There is a mandatory meeting for student appropriation funding tomorrow at 6:15pm in the Kennamer Room, Powell building.

Some of the initiatives that SGA is working on include:

  • A safety App “LIVE SAFE”. If approved, this should be available to anyone on campus within the next month or so.
  • A “Safe Ride Home” initiative with Campus Rec to promote student safety. The idea is for students to be able to catch a cab ride from downtown to a residence within a 3 mile radius of city hall for a nominal fee (yet to be determined). Hours of operation would run from 11pm to 2am, Thursday to Saturday. Students would get a sticker on their student ID that has the cab company phone number.
  • A pledge drive will be held this Friday against sexual assault violence at Powell Corner from 11am to 1pm. The event is co-sponsored with Women & Gender Studies, Greek Life, and the Title IX Office
  • The next student forum is scheduled for Monday, October 5th from 5pm to 7pm in O’Donnell.


Academic Quality Committee. Senator Howell was elected to serve as chair.

The committee plans to continue reviewing the advising issues on campus, in addition to considering ways to help undeclared students declare and succeed.

Budget Committee. Senator Givens reported that Senators Fitch and Miller will co-chair the committee.

The committee is continuing to work on one charge left over from last year which was to gather information about the cost of graduation compared to previous years. A report on their findings should be available by next month.

Rules Committee. Senator Neugebauer was elected chair.


Senator Vice moved to adjourn at approximately 4:45 p.m.

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