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Minutes for January 18, 2006 (Special Session)

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Wednesday, January 18, 2006 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the fifth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Black M. Ciocca D. Clay
J. Glasser* L. DeBolt*^ D. Discepoli
S. Fister*^ S. Hyndman S. Neumann
C. Ruppel S. Shaffer* P. Schlomann
E. Waters*^    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Jack Rutherford attended in place of L. DeBolt
^ Ida Slusher attended in place of S. Fister
^ Linda Wray attended in place of E. Waters

Visitors to the Senate were: Katy Allen, Occupational Therapy; Kate Clark, Occupational Therapy; Courtney Daniel, Eastern Progress; Susan Godbey, Chemistry; Larry Kelley, BSN; Gary Kuhnhenn, Arts & Sciences; Bruce MacLaren, Earth Sciences; Dory Marken, Occupational Therapy; Sandra Moore, Diversity; Barry Poynter, Financial Affairs; Mike Sheliga, EET; and Aaron Thompson, University Programs


Revised Merit Motion. The Senate unanimously opposed the motion, and the motion failed for lack of support.

Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator Milde, that the Senate expressed appreciation to Senator Chapman for providing faculty an opportunity to voice their concerns about salaries, COLA, and merit. The motion carried.

Senator Carter moved, seconded by Senator Johnson, that the Senate unitedly expressed a strong vote of support for returning to a full COLA and to having a merit pool available in succeeding years. The motion carried.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 4:25 p.m.

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