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Minutes for December 5, 2005

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, December 5, 2005 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the fourth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Ault* K. Carmean A. Chapman*
J. Chapman*^ D.  Clay J. Glasser*
D. Discepoli R. Houston C. Hubbard
C. Jackson*^ S. Neumann* M. Nguyen
G. Schuster* F. Szorad* D. Vance*^

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Gerald Pogatshnik attended in place of J. Chapman
^ Cynthia Resor attended in place of C. Jackson
^ Susan Godbey attended in place of D. Vance

Visitors to the Senate were: Paul Blanchard, Government Relations; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Skip Daugherty, Centennial Committee; Joseph Foster, University Advancement; Cheryl Harris, University Counsel; Brittney Haynes, Eastern Progress; Kyle Moon, SGA; Debbie Newsom, Financial Affairs; Barry Poynter, Financial Affairs; Doug Whitlock, Computer Science; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing


The November 7, 2005 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser expressed deep sadness over the untimely passing of two of our students recently, Chase Hall and Shawn Samples and voiced her sympathy for their families. EKU's Counseling Center in SSB 571, and the Housing staff in SSB 552 are available for any students wishing to discuss these recent incidents. Persons wishing to contact the EKU Meditation Chapel in Memorial Plaza may do so by calling 622-1723.

The FY 06-07 budget planning process is underway. Senator Glasser has shared with the Budget Advisory Council her commitment to provide for both a cost of living adjustment and a faculty merit pool. Additionally, she has shared with the Budget Advisory Council her commitment to provide additional recurring funds for faculty professional development and faculty recruitment and retention, as well as increased funding for strategic priorities.

Senator Glasser has approved refurbishing the faculty club lounge. The lounge will be painted over the winter break and new furniture will be purchased.

University Advancement, in cooperation with Financial Aid, has initiated a new emphasis on coordination of Foundation Scholarships and Endowed Funds. This new emphasis will provide for a more detailed involvement by University Advancement in regards to assisting the Colleges and Departments with the specific requirements of each endowed fund.

The regional outreach component of the Capital Campaign continues to move forward with an event in South Carolina planned for December 8th and an extensive schedule of events scheduled to begin after the first of the year.

The latest edition of the Eastern magazine has been mailed to more than one hundred thousand constituents. The latest edition is the first of three editions to commemorate our Centennial Celebration.

OMNI Architects, who designed the EKU Fitness and Wellness Center and the Student Services Building, were selected to provide design services on the proposed EKU Science Building. Programming meetings with faculty that will be housed in the new structure are ongoing, and OMNI's educational and lab design consultant, HERA, has been on campus several times to gather information about the various science disciplines that are to be housed in the building. A separate group is working on site selection, and eight sites on both sides of the Bypass have been evaluated by the committee. Design of this project will take just over one year, and we have emphasized to the CPE, Capital Projects Advisory Board and other interested parties that securing full funding for this project in the 2006 Legislative Session is the University's number one capital project priority.

Approximately 95% of the infrastructure associated with the electrical renovation project is in place. The only major facilities remaining to be connected to the new system are the Carter Building and associated environs and the Samuels Track. Work is underway to finish the Samuels Track wiring and lighting upgrade. This project should reach completion just after the first of the new year and in advance of the contract's March completion date.

The Business and Technology (Phase 1) project is 90% complete. The current substantial completion date is February 6, 2006; however, the current 30 day delay caused by the masonry situation may move the date at which time the University can occupy the building to March 6.

Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects were selected to design Phase II of the Business and Technology project and are now under contract to begin design of the building. A committee comprised of state legislators, local officials and members of the University community is currently working on the building's program. An initial meeting has been held with the architect to review the preliminary project programming information, and the architect will begin working with the programming committee in the next few weeks to determine the program elements that will be included in the structure. As reported previously, the 2005 Legislative Session funded this project at a level of $32.85 million. Phase II includes the completion of Phase I (approximately 25, 000 square feet will be added to the building currently under construction), conferencing facilities and a performing arts venue. Site work, including an entrance that directly connects to the Bypass and paved parking for 500 cars, will take place during Phase II.

A series of public forums have been planned to gather public input into the Performing Arts and Conference Center portion of Eastern Kentucky University's Business and Technology Complex.

Five public forums, each geared to a specific segment of the community, are scheduled Wednesday, November 30, and Thursday, December 1, in the Perkins Building on the EKU campus. Members of the campus community are invited on November 30 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Also on November 30, representatives of external arts organizations are invited to participate from 2 to 3:30 p.m. On December 1, regional community leaders (Madison and other counties) are invited from 9:30 to 11 a.m., primary and secondary school representatives from 2 to 3:30 p.m., and the community at large from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Evans Murphy Design Group was selected to design the Manchester Center and they also received a contract to begin work. Early in this project's evolution a site was identified that is owned by the City of Manchester and Clay County that was to be contributed for this building's construction. In July the University learned that the site is to be sold to the Commonwealth which was an expense not anticipated in the original proposal and associated budget. Also not anticipated was the delay associated with the state's acquisition process. The design of the building is temporarily on hold so the Finance Cabinet can evaluate the proposed site to determine if access and subsurface conditions are acceptable, and this evaluation is underway. Upon successful completion of that phase, the state's Division of Real Properties will begin the formal acquisition process.

Senator Glasser expressed her deep appreciation to everyone for their hard work and dedication to Eastern Kentucky University and stressed her continued commitment to our faculty and to moving the University forward together.


Motion to Approve Promotion and Tenure Report. Senator Collins withdrew amendments 5 and 6 which were postponed at the November meeting.

Senator Reed moved approval for the following amendment, seconded by Senator McKenney.

Add the following sentence to Part IV, item 9:

When the chair's recommendation opposes the granting of promotion or tenure, supporting documentation should show that faculty members whose performance is judged to be unsatisfactory did receive fair and timely notice of the possibility of this judgment and opportunities to clarify any role ambiguities or relevant circumstances.

Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and postponed the vote to the February, 2006 meeting.

Senator Dieckmann moved, seconded by Senator Kristofik, to approve amendment 1 (to strike Part I, Section A, #5 in favor of the current policy of having department, college and university committees review all tenure and promotion recommendations, whether positive or negative).

Senator Dieckmann moved, seconded by Senator Kristofik, to approve amendment 2 to change Part 1, Section C #8 to: The university shall prohibit faculty from applying for promotion in rank prior to being considered for tenure. Tenure will not be granted without concomitant promotion.

Senator Siegel ruled both motions substantive and postponed the vote to the February, 2006 meeting.

Election of Senate Vice Chair. Senator Johnson was nominated at the November meeting, and Senator Eakin was nominated at the December meeting. Senator Eakin was voted to serve as Senate Vice Chair through the Spring 2006 semester.

Clinical Lectureship Proposal. Senator Schlomann suggested a friendly amendment under "6. Clinical Faculty" under the section on "terms" to change the first sentence to: Clinical faculty shall be appointed on a year by year contract basis that may be renewed annually for a term of up to three consecutive years. Also to change on the same page, sentence three to: Senior clinical faculty may be appointed annually for terms up to five years. Senator Fister agreed to the friendly amendment.

The Senate were in agreement and the amended motion was approved.


Report from Council on Academic Affairs. Dr. Pogatshnik moved, seconded by Senator Flanagan, to approve the Geology (B.A.) Program Suspension and the Geology (M.S.) Program revision. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Centennial Resolution. Senator Ciocca moved, seconded by Senator Shasby, to approve the proposed Centennial Resolution.

Be it resolved on this the centennial year of Eastern Kentucky University that the Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University celebrates and honors our faculty colleagues and this University for one hundred years of being a school of opportunity for our service region in southeastern Kentucky and the Commonwealth. We also take this opportunity to honor our sister institution, Western Kentucky University, on this shared centennial year as we move forward together in common pursuit of higher education advancement for the people of the Commonwealth.

The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Skip Daugherty shared with the Senators a centennial booklet on EKU's history which will be distributed to freshmen in spring and fall 2006. Merita Thompson and Doug Whitlock discussed some of the proposed activities for the upcoming centennial year. Anyone with event ideas should contact a member of the University Centennial Committee.

Academic Integrity Proposal. Senator Robles moved approval of the Academic Integrity Proposal, seconded by Senator May. Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and deferred the vote to the February, 2006 meeting. (Additional PDF files: comparison between old and new policy; Procedures; and Case Flow Chart)

Revised Merit Motion. Senator Collins moved approval of the proposed revised merit motion, seconded by Senator Konkel. Senator May moved, seconded by Senator Eakin, to call a special meeting on January 18 to discuss the motion further. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion to postpone carried.

Senator Marchant suggested that prior to the January 18 meeting the senators should receive a copy of the motion in handbook format.



The Executive Committee met on November 21, 2005.

The Executive Committee discussed the proposed new Senate agenda format and a trial version was approved. The Senate will try the new agenda for several meetings then evaluate its efficacy.

The ad hoc Senate Futures Committee met on November 22. Members of the committee are: Professors Doris Pierce, Steve Fardo, Doug Whitlock, Richard Freed, Senator Ann Chapman, and Senator Larry Collins.

The ad hoc Senate Centennial Committee will meet again on November 29. Senator Hunter Hensley was elected Chair. Committee members are Charles Hay (University Archivist, Retired), Dr. Hal Blythe (Director, Teaching and Learning Center), Senators Sharon Shasby and Joyce Wolf, and Marc Whitt (Associate Vice President for Public Relations and Marketing). The Committee will be planning activities in collaboration with the TLC, Faculty Club, and Retired Professors Organization to advance faculty participation in the Centennial celebration during the Spring 2006 Semester.

The ad hoc Committee on Senate Membership is complete and will soon meet. The Chair is Senator David May, and the members are Senators Marlow Marchant, Vickie Sanchez, and Matt Winslow, and former Senate Chair Karen Janssen. This committee will look at Senate term limits and will consider requiring that a faculty member serve a minimum number of years of service at EKU before becoming eligible for election to the Senate.

The midnight breakfast for students will be on Wednesday, December 7 beginning at 10:30 pm in the Food Court, Powell. Volunteers will work a two-hour shift. Anyone interested in participating should contact

The faculty evaluation of the President's job performance is delayed while the Board of Regents conclude the process of hiring a consultant to assist in the process. All stakeholders will be asked to participate in the evaluation in early Spring 2006 (February-March probably). The faculty evaluation will be implemented at the same time as the Board's.

The February 2006 For the Good of the Order discussion will be "Strategies for Improving the Senate Election Process." The March topic may be "Strategies for Developing More Effective Communication between the Senate and Departments."

Senator Siegel shared with the senators a copy of the new faculty guide on student services recently published by Student Affairs. The guide will be distributed to every faculty members on campus.

The faculty club website is now online at

Senator Siegel has been advised that a number of faculty have sold complimentary desk copies of textbooks to book sellers. While this is considered inappropriate, there isn't a policy in place to deal with this issue. The Rights and Responsibilities Committee has been charged with reviewing this issue.

Senator Siegel announced that the academic advising report which was worked on last year should be available to the Senate in the near future.


The Executive Committee of the Board of Regents met November 11, 2005 and heard two additional presentations about conducting presidential evaluations. A prior presentation had been made on October 3. The three proposals were then discussed and action taken to select Penson Associates as consultations to the Board for its evaluation of President Glasser. Dr. John Moore, the President and Senior Associate will specifically be assisting the Board. Please visit their web page ( to learn more about Penson Associates.

The next Board meeting will on January 18 in Frankfort and will include special Centennial events. On the January 17, the Governor will be hosting a joint dinner for EKU and WKU Board of Regents and Presidents. On the 18th, the Boards and Presidents will be guests at the Kentucky General Assembly to receive joint resolutions recognizing the founding of both universities. That will be followed by a reception with the Governor and General Assembly.


COSFL will meet on Saturday, December 10.


After receiving input from faculty and the Faculty Welfare Committee, Senator Chapman has developed a "hybrid" proposal for the distribution of merit bonuses and faculty outstanding achievement awards.

Last year's salary equity adjustment process is now complete.

The searches for the ITDS Director, the Dean of Education, and the Dean of Libraries are underway. The ITDS search is moving forward and should bring in candidates early in the spring semester. The Education Committee has met once for an organizational meeting, and the Libraries committee is being formed and will have at least an organizational meeting prior to the end of this semester. It is hoped that all finalists will be chosen no later than March 31 to provide for broad and maximum input on the final candidates.

Senator Chapman has asked Sandra Moore to serve as ex officio member of all faculty search committees. Her responsibility in that role will be to touch base with the chair of the department or the chair of the committee (whomever the Dean designates) at least once during the search in order to offer specific ways that the committees can diversify the pool of applicants.

Senator Chapman stated that it was brought to his attention that a number of classes were canceled inappropriately the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week. He urged faculty to meet all scheduled classes.

The Strategic Plan is almost complete The Committee expresses its gratitude to all who provided an evaluation and comments on the draft. This Plan will be the driver for what EKU supports and does during the next four years.

The determination of the distribution amounts of professional development money, Action Agenda funds, and part-time instruction funds has been made and the transfers are working through the system. Hopefully improved databases will allow for more prompt allocations in subsequent years.
Senator Chapman thanked everyone for their hard work and contributions to EKU.


A Diversity Action Plan Committee has been created to address concerns expressed at the diversity forum.

Dialogue has begun with the Richmond community to address problems with campus and community relations.


Budget Committee. Senator Eakin reported that the committee has been gathering information on alternative scheduling used by other universities. In particular the committee is re-evaluating flip Fridays or the adoption of a MW -TR schedule [with the free Friday or Monday being used for creative course design]. Feedback will be solicited from colleagues through online surveys. Anyone with additional ideas may contact David Eakin [] or any other member of the Committee.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee met on November 16 to discuss the reworking of the proposal for the revision of the Council on Academic Affairs to become a Senate Committee. A proposal was agreed on by consensus and forwarded to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for information purposes and feedback.

After receiving feedback, the Rules Committee will continue work on further revisions before bringing the recommendations to the Senate floor.

The committee is also currently reviewing the Faculty Senate section of the Faculty Handbook and will soon begin updates on the Senate's Internal Procedures.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Robles reported that the committee is bringing forth the Academic Integrity Process for the Senate's approval. Discussions are still underway on the Promotion and Tenure process.

Ad Hoc Senate Centennial Committee. Senator Hensley reported that the committee has held two productive sessions brainstorming ideas for a series of EKU Centennial recognition events, receptions, and events for the Spring semester.


The topic of discussion was "Strategies to Revitalize the Faculty Club".

As stated in the President's report, Senator Siegel reiterated that the Faculty Club will be re-painted, new carpet installed and new furniture purchased during the winter break. She further announced that the "Ladies Swooning Room" will be turned into a small private conference room. In addition, Senator Siegel is hoping that the kitchen will be renovated next year.

Senator Siegel stated that the Faculty Club does have the option to serve wine; and it may be a good idea to have wine and cheese socials on Friday afternoons for faculty.

Senator Konkel stated that there are opportunities with the Faculty Club space to look at environmental stewardship kinds of issues.

Senator Rainey proposed a combination of both academic events and social events on late afternoons and/or Friday afternoon.

Senator Taylor suggested having a "works in progress" program where faculty get together and share their work in order to get feedback from colleagues. Senator Jones suggested that those faculty attending the "works in progress" program could be recognized as, for example, mentoring junior faculty. As such, this kind of participation could be listed on yearly evaluations.

Senator Siegel announced that other ideas could be submitted to Senator Robles or Greg Engstrom.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.

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