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Minutes for September 12, 2005

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, September 12, 2005 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the first meeting of the academic year to order at approximately 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

C. Carter* D. Clay L. Collins*
S. Hyndman C. Jackson* D. May*^
S. Neumann* E. Waters* S. Wilson

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ James Wells attended in place of D. May

Visitors to the Senate were: Jill Allgier, Registrar; Onda Bennett, QEP; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Lisa Crowe, Bookstore; Tina Davis, Registrar; Brittney Haynes, Eastern Progress; Kyle Moon, SGA; Shelley Park, Financial Aid; Jaleh Rezaie, Computer Science/SACS/QEP; Aaron Thompson, University Programs; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing


Senator Siegel thanked President Glasser for the reception for the Senators and for the refreshments for the meeting.

Senator Siegel asked the Senators to observe a moment of silence to honor the memory of those who perished in Hurricane Katrina and those struggling to restore their lives.

Parliamentarian Miller reminded the Senators of three important rules to follow:

  1. Stand up to be recognized and continue standing when speaking.
  2. Any motion can be addressed twice by a senator; and any amendments to the motion can also be addressed twice.
  3. If you have the floor and wish another senator to provide information, request the Chair to call on that person.


The May 2, 2005 regular minutes were approved with the following change:

On page six under the Welfare Committee Report, change number three to read as follows:

As a part of the University Benefits Committee, we worked to create a University health care plan. A lot of time and effort was put into working out a health care plan, but in the end the plan was not voted on by the members of the Benefits Committee. A plan was subsequently presented to the Board of Regents for the University.

The May, 2005 organizational minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser thanked Dr. Bruce MacLaren for continuing to provide leadership and vision to the Chautauqua lecture series. This year's theme is "Questing and Questioning." The first event was on September 8 with Dr. Ron Messerich. The next event is scheduled for Thursday, September 22.

Professor Mark Tushnet from Georgetown University will give a presentation entitled "The Rehnquist Court, the Roberts Nomination and the Future of Constitutional Law" in the Student Services Building Auditorium tonight at 7:30 p.m.

Frank McCourt, author of Angela's Ashes, will be a guest speaker on Tuesday, September 13 in Brock Auditorium. Everyone is encouraged to attend.

September 15 is Higher Education Day, and EKU will be hosting the Higher Education Day Conference in the Perkins Building. This year's theme is "Higher Education in Kentucky: Past, Present, and Future." Governor Paul Patton will be one of the panelists. Senator Glasser thanked Dr. Joe Gershtenson for overseeing this project.

Senator Glasser announced that those victims of Hurricane Katrina who have already paid any type of tuition at any other institution of higher education will be permitted to study at EKU free of charge effective immediately. In addition, there are approximately 200 beds available in the residence halls for those students needing a place to stay. As of September 9, there are three undergraduate students and one graduate student enrolled. A hotline has also been established on campus for those students and faculty wanting additional information. This information is also accessible from the web site.

Senator Glasser announced that interested faculty who have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina will be invited to join our University community on a case-by-case basis--both short term and long term.

The EKU Community continues to show financial support for the hurricane victims by making donations to the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army.

At the start of the semester enrollment was up by 125 students compared to last year at the same time. At this point enrollment is up by 200 undergraduate students, and down by 60 graduate students.

EKU and WKU are currently developing a joint Ed.D. Doctoral program. More information will be forthcoming in future meetings.

The gala kickoff for the centennial celebration and the capital comprehensive campaign will be on Friday, September 23 in the Fitness and Wellness Center. Everyone is invited to attend.

Senator Glasser stated that Eastern's endowment has increased by $15 million over the past two years.

The campus-wide electrical project is more than 60% complete, and the Business and Technology Phase I is 75% complete. Architects have been selected for the new science building, for Phase II of the Business and Technology Center and for the new Manchester Center.

Homecoming and Parents Weekend is scheduled for Saturday, September 24.


Senator Siegel reported that all of the Senate motions approved by the Faculty-at-Large will go before the Board of Regents on October 5.

The Faculty Club is open every weekday morning from 8 to 9 a.m. for coffee. The Provost is there every Thursday morning, schedule permitting; and President Glasser leads the coffee chats on the third Thursday of each month. All faculty are encouraged to participate in the coffee chats.

The Executive Committee met on August 29. New representatives were appointed to several University Committees: Senator Flanagan, Arlington Board; Senator Hubbard, General Education; Senator Konkel, Withdrawal Committee; and Senator Shasby, Residency Appeals Committee.

There was a prolonged conversation of the faculty evaluation of the President's job performance. The Executive Committee will be working with an outside consultant who has been hired by the Board of Regents to implement an evaluation that will include all 530 full time faculty members, tenured and tenure-track. The deadline for completion will be sometime in November. Additional information will be forthcoming.

As Senate Chair, Senator Siegel participated in the United Way kickoff rally on September 6. Senator Siegel encouraged everyone to donate to the United Way fund.

Senator Siegel met today with Scott Amundsen, the new Academic Advising & Retention Director, the Provost and Associate Vice President Aaron Thompson to discuss the academic advising report.

The Senate and the Teaching and Learning Center will co-sponsor an open forum on Shared Governance on October 18th & 19th. More information will be forthcoming.

Senator Siegel distributed a number of committee charges. The Budget Committee will be looking at a proposal to give top merit producers the right of first refusal for summer school teaching. That committee will also look into the possibility of changing the class schedule pattern. In addition they will be looking at budget changes from last year to this year in particular to identify any areas of academic programs and faculty support that may need more attention.

The Committee on Committees will be developing a plan for recruiting more faculty self nominations for University committees, and creating a more effective screening process.

The Elections Committee will be refining changes on how the Faculty Senate May elections are run and will come to the Senate with a proposal for making these changes more permanent. They will also be developing a process for electing a Faculty Senate Vice Chair in November.

Rights and Responsibilities will be reviewing the proposed new academic integrity policy and process and will also consider changes in the Faculty Handbook to provide options for online electronic copies of syllabi rather than hard copy.

The Rules Committee will continue to update the rules and to clarify the process for running the meetings of the Faculty-at-Large. They will also continue discussions of possibly forming a new academic committee for the Senate.

The Welfare Committee will be working with the Provost and others to develop procedures and rules for a faculty recognition program. They will also continue to review the role of coordinators, tenure clock suspension in extraordinary circumstances, a mentoring program for all new faculty in the colleges and will consider whether or not to create a position for an EKU Faculty Ombuds person.

Student Affairs Update. Vice President Conneely stated that the parking transportation proposed master plan is still available online and comments can be sent directly to him or Mark Jozefowicz.

Following is a list of Student Affairs' events and activities that plan to donate any proceeds to Hurricane Katrina victims.

  • Several areas are working on an on-going book drive to donate books to the victims of Hurricane Katrina
  • The Residence Life Council is sponsoring a sleepout at EKU's track for the homeless beginning this Friday at 6 pm. and finishing on Saturday at 10 a.m.
  • Greek Life is doing a benefits concert at 8 p.m. on September 19 with local talent. Greek Life has also set up donation tables at the Powell Plaza.
  • Dining Services is conducting a "donate a meal" program this Wednesday.
  • The EKU bookstore will give $300 for books and supplies to those students who are enrolled and affected by Hurricane Katrina.

The United Way Campaign is underway. Eastern's contribution goal this year is $30,000.

Vice President Conneely thanked everyone who participated in student move-in day. There were over 400 volunteers from faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, and students who assisted with the move in efforts.

Lisa Crowe reported that thanks to an increased percentage of early text book adoption forms in May, the bookstore was able to buy books back from students at a higher rate. At the start of classes 98% of all textbook adoptions had been received.


Senator Schlomann reported that members of the Board attended the May 22-23 Institute for Effective Governance. The theme was "Stewards of Place".

On June 25 there was an extra Board meeting to finalize the budget. There were a number of changes to the budget which resulted in shifting more monies into academics. One consequence of doing so is that the salary equity proposal could be addressed in one year rather than two years.

The other issue discussed at the June 25th meeting was the President's salary. The President received the same across-the-board salary as everyone else. However, there were changes made in how the salary is structured. Last year the Foundation gave the President a supplement of $40,000. Because of concerns about governance issues, this year the Board decided to consolidate the entire salary to come out of the general fund. Also, after the President's first four years is completed at the end of October, there will be a one time addition of the amount which typically goes into deferred compensation to her base salary and no more additional monies placed in deferred compensation. The Board decided to postpone discussion on an additional salary supplement for the President until after the evaluation process is completed. The Board is in the process of negotiations with an outside consultant to assist with the evaluation process. This has not been finalized at this point.

This weekend the Board will be attending the Governor's Conference on Effective Governance. The theme is "Getting to Yes: Answering the Five Questions."

The next meeting will be October 5. At that meeting two new Board members will be introduced--the new student regent and John Bizzack , replacement for Fred Rice. All new officers will be elected at the October meeting.

REPORT FROM COSFL: Senator Siegel reported for Senator Ware

Senator Siegel reported that COSFL met on Monday, August 15. Jim Applegate gave an update on recent CPE activities.


One of the new budget items approved this year was the $500 per faculty member for professional development. The Provost's Office is currently updating the FTE information for each college. That process should be completed soon and the funds should be dispersed within the next couple of weeks.

Another $250,000 was set aside to create a new faculty recognition program. Senator Chapman will be working closely with the Welfare committee to develop this process.

Thanks to President Glasser's urging, the Board approved $1 million to complete the salary equity process this year.

Senator Chapman stated that while we are helping to accommodate those students affected by Katrina financially, in light of everything that has happened they may also need additional assistance academically. Please notify the administration if you feel these students need extra assistance.

Dr. Aaron Thompson is now the Associate Vice President for University Programs. He is also still the administrator for Enrollment Management until an Assistant Vice President is hired for that area.

Dr. E.J. Keeley has returned to Eastern as Executive Director for Institutional Effectiveness and Research.

Dr. Gerald Pogatshnik is the Associate Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School.

Searches will be initiated in the near future for the vacant positions in Information Technology, Education and Libraries.

The Strategic plan should be completed by October 2. A copy will be sent to everyone for their review.

SACS preparation is progressing nicely. Eastern's new SACS representative, Mike Johnson, will be visiting the campus on October 31 to meet with the Compliance Committee and the QEP Committee.

Onda Bennett reported that 418 QEP-theme surveys were completed as of last Friday, and she thanked all those who participated. A QEP discussion board has been established for those who would like to provide additional input.


The "Colonel Spirit Challenge" will continue this year.

Student Government worked over the summer with Student Affairs on finalizing plans for the former Bowling Alley space in the Powell basement and for the "Target Vision" project.

On September 27 the Senate will be doing appropriations for student organizations.

In the near future, Student Government hopes to schedule a VP forum dealing with advising.


Ad Hoc Committee on New Senator Orientation. Senator Robles requested that all new senators stay after the Senate convenes to discuss a date for the orientation session.


Motion to Discontinue Lecture Positions. Senator Siegel stated that whether or not the motion to discontinue Lectureships is approved, the Senate and the Provost will create a joint Ad Hoc Committee to develop a proposal to eliminate the ambiguities that are obvious in the current lectureship definition. Anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact Senator Siegel.

Senator Jones moved to postpone the lectureship motion until a new proposal is presented to the Faculty Senate, seconded by Senator Johnson. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried. Senator Siegel stated that a proposal from the Ad Hoc Committee should be brought to the Senate by the November meeting.

Motion on Summer Teaching Salaries. The friendly amended motion reads as follows:

Summer school salaries should be adjusted to 3 1/3% of the base salary for nine month, full time tenure track or tenured faculty for each 1 credit hour taught or equivalent. No salary cap should be applied. No more than 9 credit hours, or equivalent, can be taught during the entire summer.

The Senate were unanimously in agreement and the motion carried.

Motion on Senate Attendance Policy. The Senate were unanimously in agreement and the motion carried.


Election to the Executive Committee. Senator Kristofik was elected by acclamation to fill the vacancy on the Executive Committee.

Election of Senate Secretary. Pauletta King was elected by acclamation to continue as Faculty Senate Secretary.

Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Chapman

  1. Construction Management (B.S.) Program Revision

Senator Chapman moved approval of item 2, seconded by Senator Ault. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved approval of item 3, seconded by Senator Ault. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved approval of item 4, seconded by Senator Ault. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved approval if items 5, 6, & 7, seconded by P. Black. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Motion on Promotion and Tenure. Senator Kristofik moved that the Faculty Senate accept the University Ad Hoc Committee's report and recommendations for changing promotion and tenure policy and procedure, seconded by Senator Konkel. Senator Siegel declared the motion substantive and postponed the vote to the October meeting.

Meeting Time Extension. Senator Konkel moved, seconded by Senator Randles, to extend the meeting time beyond 5:30 p.m. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.


The topic of discussion was "Strategies for Making Faculty Advising of Students More Efficient and Effective".

Senator Marchant suggested that it would be helpful to see a final report from the committee that worked on the advising survey last year. Senator Siegel stated that the final report was tabled until the new director of Advising was hired.

Senator Dieckmann read a prepared statement relating to advising and retention of students. At the request of several Senators, the statement will be placed on the Senate website under the "miscellaneous items" section.

Senator Yoder reminded everyone that developmental students are required to remain as undeclared majors until the deficiency requirements are met. So to compare the graduation rate within declared and undeclared majors isn't fair.

Senator A. Chapman mentioned that the advising process should be reviewed for graduate advising as well as undergraduate advising because there are different situations for each.

Senator Hubbard reported that those teaching during the summer have the additional burden of advising students for all faculty who are not around during the summer. She mentioned that this burden often falls to the coordinators in departments during the summer.

Senator Siegel announced that this topic will be considered again at the next Senate meeting.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:45 p.m.

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