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Minutes for October 3, 2005

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, October 3, 2005 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the second meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Black A. Chapman* D. Clay
E. Fenton* M. Gerken* M. Hesse*^
N. Coyer* J. Short* F. Szorad
S. Wilson    

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Maureen Everett attended in place of M. Hesse

Visitors to the Senate were: Katy Allen, Ad Hoc P & T; Onda Bennett, QEP; Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Kyle Moon, SGA; Bruce Pratt, Agriculture; David Sefton, History; Aaron Thompson, University Programs; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Sheila Virgin, Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing; Charles Whitaker, English & Theatre; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing.


The September 12 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser reported that EKU's QEP theme will be "Eastern Kentucky University will develop informed, critical and creative thinkers who communicate effectively".

The four approved QEP focus statements are:

  1. Students will be able to identify, discover, and use relevant information in order to gain knowledge and solve problems.
  2. Students will be able to analyze information and ideas using appropriate methods.
  3. Students will generate their own ideas and express them effectively.
  4. Students will be able to clearly articulate a point of view and develop it with awareness of alternative perspectives.

The QEP Committee has scheduled numerous activities during October to promote the QEP theme on all EKU campuses:

  1. Onda Bennett will visit all student groups at their meetings to talk about the QEP theme and focus statements.
  2. The Provost will talk about the QEP theme and focus statements at the Provost Council meeting on October 6.
  3. Jaleh Rezaie will talk with the Chairs at the Chairs' Association meeting on October 19.
  4. Onda Bennett will meet with the Staff Council to talk about the QEP theme and focus statements.
  5. Byron Bond will meet with the Extended Campus coordinators to talk about the QEP theme and focus statements.
  6. The SACS Communication and PR committee is making arrangements for an Ice cream social on October 20.
  7. There will be announcements and informative paragraphs about the QEP published every week in the EKU Today, EKU Students Today, and also in EKUpdate.

Senator Glasser has established a University Committee on Responsible Environmental Stewardship. The purpose of this committee is to promote an environmentally sound physical environment for members of the University community. The committee members are:

Dr. Alan Banks Mr. Joe Beck Dr. Charles Elliott
Dr. Robert Frederick Dr. Carolyn Harvey Dr. Bob Houston
Dr. Alice Jones Dr. Steve Konkel Ms. Danita LaSage
Mr. G.W. Newsom Dr. Gary Ritchison Mr. James Street
Dr. Diane Vance Dr. Robert Weise Dr. Melina Wilder
TBD, Student Rep.    

On October 17th and 18th, the Committee On Equal Opportunity For The Council On Postsecondary Education will be making an institutional site visit to measure EKU's progress in meeting the eight objectives of the Kentucky plan for equal opportunity in postsecondary education.

EKU marks National Disabilities Awareness Month in October in an effort to heighten awareness campus-wide about disabilities. A number of activities are scheduled. For more information about Disabilities Awareness Month at EKU or about services available to those with disabilities, call 859-622-2933 or visit

Undergraduates in all academic disciplines are invited to participate in the annual Posters-at-the Capitol event. The deadline for submitting abstracts is October 26, 2005. Students who plan to submit an abstract or those who have questions should contact Dr. Rose Perrine, professor of psychology, at 622-2378 or

Congratulations to Dr. Charlie Sweet who was recently chosen as the recipient of the Acorn Award.

On Friday, September 23, over 400 people attended the gala to kick off the capital campaign and EKU's 100-year centennial celebration.


Senator Siegel announced that the next Coffee Chat with President Glasser will be on October 27 from 8-9 a.m. in the Faculty Club.

The Senate will collaborate with the Teaching and Learning Center to sponsor a "Discussion on Shared Governance," 3:30 to 4:30 pm, October 18 and 19 in the Faculty Club in Keen Johnson.

Senator Siegel reminded everyone that the deadline for submission of grades is Friday, October 7. This is the first time the new grade codes (FN & UN) the Senate recently approved will be available for use.

Senator Siegel distributed a flyer listing all of TLC's upcoming workshops.

Senator Siegel announced that a Senate representative is needed to serve on the TLC Steering Committee and the QEP Committee. Anyone interested in serving should contact Senator Siegel.


Senator Schlomann reported that the Board Members attended the 2005 Governor's Conference on Postsecondary Education Trusteeship in Louisville September 18-19. The Theme was "Getting to Yes: Answering the Five Questions".

At the Sunday session, Brad Cowgill, state Budget Director, reported on the status and projections for the state budget.

A report was also given ( on affordability of higher education to SCOPE.

The day concluded with a dinner meeting during which Charlie Sweet received the Acorn Award.

The Board of Regents will be meeting October 5. In preparation for this meeting several of its committees are meeting: Student Life, Discipline and Athletics on September 21, Internal Affairs on September 28, Finance on October 4, and the Executive and Academic Affairs early on October 5.


The salary equity distribution process has been completed and all appeals have been addressed. As stated in the last meeting, the remaining $260,000 was used to cover benefits on the million dollars that was distributed.

We are proposing an increase to the amounts awarded for promotion as follows:

  • Assistant professor from $900 (at $300 a year for three years) to $1800
  • Associate professor from $1,800 (at $600 a year for three years) to $3,000
  • Full professor from $3,000 (at $1,000 a year for three years) to $4,500

On the issue of merit, the President and the Board of Regents have provided additional money to recognize outstanding performance on the part of individuals. One suggestion is to create a Performance Excellence Award in the amount of $5,000 to be awarded for outstanding teaching, research and/or service. There will be a couple of open forums held in the near future for faculty input. Additional information will be forthcoming.

The Ad Hoc Committee on Lecturers has met and developed a proposal which will be shared with the affected departments for feedback. Once revision are complete, the proposal will be brought before the Senate.


All benefits and proceeds from the recent camp out for the homeless were donated to the Hurricane Katrina victims.

The student organizational funding was distributed last week.

Rapper Fat Joe will be in concert on October 27 at 8:00 p.m. in Alumni Coliseum.

The Residence Life Council recently approved legislation to change three residence halls (Combs, Clay and Sullivan) to 24/7 visitation on a trial basis. If successful, other residence halls may have visitation hours expanded in the future.

Several activities are scheduled later in the month to get students more involved politically. On October 18, Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson will be speaking at the Civic Literacy Summit in the Perkins Building. The "Listen Up Legislators" event is scheduled for October 26 27. Phones and computers will be set up on the corner of the Powell Building and students will be encouraged to e-mail or phone all Kentucky representatives to request their support for higher education funding. EKU is one of eight Universities scheduled to participate.

The Colonel Spirit Challenge continues in an effort to encourage more students to attend home athletic events.


Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee met on September 28 to develop some procedures for working on the committee's charges for this year.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Kristofik reported that the committee will meet after the Senate meeting today.

Elections Committee. Senator Randles reported that the committee continues to work on the May election process.

Committee on Committees. Senator Vance was elected Chair of the committee.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Collins reported that the committee met last Friday and will meet again this Friday. There are six charges the committee will be working on this year: 1) work with the Provost to develop procedures and rules for a proposed EKU Faculty Recognition Award program; 2) Consider whether a faculty Ombudsman position should be created; 3) Work with the Provost to review the equity distribution program and issue a final report; 4) Continue discussions on the role of coordinators on campus; 5) possible tenure clock suspension in extraordinary cases; and 6) a mentoring program for junior faculty.

Ad Hoc Committee on New Senator Orientation. Senator Robles reported that the new senator orientation session was held last Thursday in the Regents dining room in the Powell Building. Any new or returning senator who would like a Senate notebook should contact Senator Robles.

Ad Hoc Committee on Lectureships. Senator Siegel reported that the committee is working on a proposal which will be presented to the department chairs before coming to the Senate.


Motion on Promotion and Tenure. On behalf of the Senate, Senator Siegel expressed her appreciation to the University Ad Hoc Committee on Promotion and Tenure for their hard work on the report.

Senator McKenney moved, seconded by Senator Reed, to strike number three from Appendix "B". With a vote of 32 to 20, the motion carried.

Senator Schlomann moved, seconded by Senator Milde, to make the entire document consistent with the previously approved motion. The majority of the Senate was in agreement and the motion carried.

Senator Dieckmann moved, seconded by Senator Hubbard, to strike E. 1. on page 12. The majority of the Senate was in agreement and the motion carried.

Senator Konkel asked that the Chairs' Association comments regarding the Promotion and Tenure report be posted on the Senate website.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Hyndman, that the following statement be included in the Promotion and Tenure policy:

The case for or against Promotion and Tenure will be stipulated in writing and found in the candidate's dossier at every step in the process.

The majority of the Senate was in agreement and the motion carried.

Senator Schlomann moved, seconded by Senator Ware, to postpone further discussion until the November meeting. The majority of the Senate was in agreement and the motion carried.


Senator Siegel stated that the discussion on advising would be postponed until the advising survey report becomes available.

November's discussion topic will be "Streamlining Senate agendas and meetings".


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.

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