Minutes for May 1, 2006 (Organizational Meeting)
The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 1, 2006, in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building for the 2006-2007 Organizational Meeting. Senator Siegel called the meeting to order at approximately 4:45 p.m.
The following members were absent: D. Clay, L. DeBolt, F. Deters, S. Fister*, M. Gebert*, J. George, M. Gerken*, M. Hesse, E. Hunter, S. Hyndman, A. Jones*, K. Kean, S. Neumann, C. Rich*, J. Sexton*, E. Waters*
*Indicates prior notification to the Senate Secretary
Senate Chair. At the April meeting, there were three nominees for Senate Chair: Senators Dieckmann, Eakin, and May. Senators Dieckmann and May decided to withdraw their names from the nominations. Senator Eakin has been nominated. Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Ciocca, to suspend the rules for a paper ballot. Motion carried. The Senate were in agreement to elect Senator Eakin as Senate Chair. The motion carried.
Senate Vice Chair. Senator May was nominated. Senator Shasby moved, seconded by Senator Winslow, to suspend the rules for a paper ballot. Motion carried. The Senate were in agreement to elect Senator May as Senate Vice-Chair. Motion carried.
Elections Committee. (One position available.)
The following were nominated: Senators Pruitt and Koontz. Senator Koontz was elected.
Executive Committee. (Five positions available.)
The following were nominated: Senators Shasby, Johnson, Flanagan, McKenney, Reed, Collins and Kristofik. The five elected representatives were: Senators Shasby, Johnson, McKenney, Collins and Kristofik
Budget Committee. (Two positions available.)
The following were nominated: Senators Ciocca, Pruitt, and Ware. The elected representatives were: Senators Ciocca and Pruitt .
Welfare Committee. (Two positions available.)
The following were nominated: Senators Waters, Johnson and Ware. The elected representatives were: Senators Waters and Ware.
Rules Committee. (Two positions available.)
The following were nominated: Senators Kean, Johnson, and Milde. The elected representatives were: Senators Kean and Milde.
Committee on Committees. (Five positions available.)
The following were nominated and elected by acclamation: Senators Hunter, Gerken, Dieckmann, Sanchez, and Gaffney.
Rights & Responsibilities Committee. (Five positions available.)
The following were nominated and elected by acclamation: Senators Kristofik, Robles, C. Neumann, Reed, and Noblitt.
COSFL Representative. (One representative & two alternates.)
Senator Ware was elected as the COSFL representative with Senators Robles and May elected as the alternates.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m.
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