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Minutes for November 7, 2005

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, November 7, 2005 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the third meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Chapman D. Clay N. Coyer*
L. DeBolt*^ D. Discepoli* J. George*
R. Miller*^ C. Ruppel G. Schuster*
J. Short*^ J. Stratman* F. Szorad

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Jack Rutherford attended in place of L. DeBolt
^ Sheila Virgin attended in place of J. Short
^ M. Marchant substituted as Parliamentarian for R. Miller
^ Ray Richardson attended for M. Marchant

Visitors to the Senate were: Mario Anderson, SGA; Gary Barksdale, Human Resources; Paul Blanchard, Government Relations; Nicole Brathwaite, University Housing; Sue Cain, Transition & University Services; Nickole Hale, University Housing; Brittney Haynes, Eastern Progress; Marlene Helm, COE; Debbie Newsom, Financial Affairs; Barry Poynter, Financial Affairs; Gerald Pogatshnik, Graduate Education & Research; Kathryn Polmanteer, COE; Bruce Pratt, Agriculture; Aaron Thompson, University Programs; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Charles Whitaker, English & Theatre; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing.


The October 3, 2005 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser reported that earlier today the Council on Postsecondary Education had their full board hearing and Dr. Tom Layzell proposed to the council his recommendations for the proposed state appropriations for the next two bienniums. Senator Glasser distributed to the senators a copy of her testimonial speech to the Council which states her concerns and objections to the proposed plan. The Council did agree to appoint a task force to re-evaluate benchmarks, FTEs and tuition.

At the same meeting, the CPE recommended prorated funding of $59,400,000 for EKU's new science building. This is considerably lower than what was originally requested. Senator Glasser plans to make it a top priority to get the original funding restored for the new building.

Successful alumni events were recently held in Lexington, Louisville and Henderson, Kentucky. More than forty alumni events have been scheduled throughout the region for spring and summer 2006.

EKU's annual phonathon is progressing well with nearly two thousand pledges totalling more than $100,000.

There will be three commemorative issues of the alumni magazine published this year with each issue featuring photos and articles celebrating Eastern's Centennial. In addition, a new email update system for all Eastern's alumni has been launched in an effort to provide more current communications to alumni and friends.

Mike Johnson from SACS COC visited campus this past week. He confirmed that we are making excellent progress in preparation for the upcoming SACS accreditation visit.

The CPE Committee on Equal Opportunities visit took place October 17-18. While we continue to make progress in this area, we have the opportunity to make improvements in the areas of faculty, student and staff recruitment and retention and student life.

The Computer Science accreditation visit was last week, and the feedback was very positive. Senator Glasser thanked the Computer Science chair, Jaleh Rezaie, and the faculty for their preparation for the visit.

The NCAA self-study draft report has been posted to the EKU home page for review and feedback. Senator Glasser thanked Senator Collins for his leadership and commitment as Chair of the committee.

Senator Glasser shared some faculty highlights:

  1. Gay Sweely was awarded the prestigious Kentucky Art Education Association: "Higher Educator of the Year" (2005) for the state of Kentucky.
  2. Keven McQueen's new book, Murder in Old Kentucky: True Crime Stories from the Bluegrass, was released by McClanahan Publishing in October.

Senator Glasser shared some upcoming dates of interest:

  1. December 6: Deadline for nominations for the 2006 Award for Teaching Excellence.
  2. November 9-12: Dance Theatre
  3. November 16-19: Theatre Production - Fallen Angels
  4. November 10: Philosophy Club at 7:30 in Grise Room of the Combs Building
  5. November 12 at 11 am: EKU's Veterans' Weekend Ceremony. The names of two former EKU students, Robert Worthington and James Farmer, both killed in action during the Vietnam War, will be added to the memorial wall. Also, all veterans are invited to participate in the "Halftime Tribute to Veterans" at EKU's game against UT-Martin.
  6. November 15: Chautauqua Lecture Series continues with James Archambeault
  7. November 11: Veterans Day Events
  8. April 28-30, 2006: Alumni Weekend


Senator Siegel reported that the Executive Committee met on October 24th. In addition to hearing updates from the standing committee liaisons, the Committee also learned from Election Committee Chair Senator Randles about a plan for the election of the first ever Senate Vice Chair.

Senator Siegel expressed her appreciation to Senator Marchant for filling in as Parliamentarian for today's meeting.

A proposal is under development to create a Clinical Appointment, much like the Lecturer Appointment but for clinical faculty primarily in the health sciences.

An ad hoc committee is in the process of being formed to review the Faculty Handbook and to ensure that practices are in compliance with the Handbook. This Committee will report its findings to the Senate Rules Committee.

The December Senate For the Good of the Order discussion will be on "Strategies for Revitalizing the Faculty Club ­ What Types of Activities Should the Club Sponsor?"

President Glasser will participate in the next Coffee Chat on November 10th.

Senator Siegel shared a brochure with the senators from the Housing Office on the three-tiers program. Anyone wishing additional information should contact Nickole Hale.

The pre-final midnight breakfast for students is scheduled for December 7 from 10 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Anyone interested in participating, should contact Alison King at

Senator Siegel has formed three new ad hoc Senate committees. The first is a Faculty Handbook Committee to review the Faculty Handbook and to ensure that practices are in compliance with the Handbook. This Committee will report its findings to the Senate Rules Committee.

The second is a Senate Futures Committee which will be charged with looking at some of the challenges facing faculty in the future and ways to turn these challenges into opportunities to stimulate faculty engagement and productivity. Committee members will be announced soon. A preliminary report is due to the Senate at its May 1, 2006 meeting.

The third is a Senate Centennial Committee which will be charged with developing activities for the faculty in the spirit of the Centennial celebration. Committee members are: Charles Hay, retired University archivist; Hal Blythe, Director of TLC; Marc Whitt, Public Relations and Marketing; and Hunter Hensley, Senate liaison to the TLC. One additional member is needed. Anyone interested in serving should contact Senator Siegel.

Hunter Hensley gave a brief report of the Teaching and Learning Center. The TLC Steering Committee met on October 12. Their charge is to solicit ideas from all University faculty for future implementation by the TLC. Members of the Faculty Senate are encouraged to contact Hunter Hensley or Hal Blythe to offer ideas for enabling the Teaching and Learning Center.

Senator Siegel announced that the next TLC workshop "Using the IDEA Evaluation System Effectively" will be on November 9 and 10.


Senator Schlomann reported that the Finance and Planning Committee of the Board of Regents met on October 4, 2005. The majority of the agenda dealt with updates including the following items: 2006-2010 Capital Plan, Financial for 2005, Financial Aid Task Force, Application of FY06 budget guidelines, FY07 budget process. A report was also given about a new initiative to outservice marketing, recruitment and retention for an online masters program in Justice and Safety. The committee voted to recommend a uniform (in- and out-of-state) tuition fee of $350 for the undergraduate Justice and Safety online programs.

The Executive Committee met on October 5, 2005 and heard a presentation by The Oliver Group, a possible consultant for the President evaluation. A formal proposal will be requested from The Oliver Group and at least one other consultant before a final decision. The committee will meet again on November 11, 2005.

The Board of Regents met on October 5, 2005. New officers were elected: Hunter Bates, Chair; Cynthia Rogers, Vice Chair; and Gary Abney, Secretary. Several reports were received including the following: President Glasser, William Clements for the EKU Foundation, James Street (project update and capital plan), Debbie Newsom (Budget update), J Rezaie (SACS and Strategic Planning), J. Foster (Capital Campaign). Action included approving 1) an amendment to the Board Bylaws (separating the functions of Vice Chair of the Board and Chair of the Finance and Planning Committee), 2) personnel decisions, 3) a uniform tuition rate of $350/credit hour for J & S on-line program, 4) permission to pursue the development of a joint Educational Doctorate Program with WKU, 5) amendments to the faculty handbook (previously approved by the Faculty Senate), 6) an amendment to the campus residence requirement, and 7) degree candidates for December 2005 graduation.


The following were elected as new officers: President Carol Bredemeyer (NKU); Vice President Terry Irons (Morehead); Treasurer Carolyn Siegel (EKU); and Secretary Tucker Landry (KSU).

An issue referenced in an October Special Newsletter to KTRS participants was brought up. Western Kentucky University's Faculty Senate expressed displeasure that the university is required by statute to make annual payments to the Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System (KTRS) as a result of legislation enacted in 1994 creating the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). The newsletter mentioned a possible lawsuit; however, they are not pursuing this avenue as the payments arrangement appears to have legal standing. What is being evaluated is the source of the funds for the payments. It appears that universities are not required to deduct this amount from retirement program participants as is being done at present, so the question arises as to whether the dispute is with KTRS or with the universities. A study was done and the approximate impact of funding the KTRS payments amounts to $2,000 per ORP participant. The Murray faculty senate is hoping to get the state legislature to impose some caps on the amount taken to fund this.

Mark Wattier, new Faculty Representative to the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) announced that:

  1. CPE's Public Agenda was approved as of July2.
  2. Regarding the CPE budget process, capital construction is the first priority, along with an effort to move each institution to the benchmark median with regard to state funds per FTE so that they can complete House Bill 1 goals.
  3. Small economic growth, producing about a 2% increase in state revenues, is projected for next fiscal year.
  4. The issue of affordability is at the forefront, as large tuition increases last year was a concern to the CPE Council. The CPE will be looking at asserting more control over tuition rates.
  5. Also under discussion is the issue of developing a statewide, rigorous, pre-college curriculum with a greater emphasis on math, English, reading. In addition, criteria for getting and keeping KEES scholarships are to be changed to reflect the new emphasis on a rigorous curriculum.

Following the COSFL meeting, representative Wattier distributed an e-mail inquiry to COSFL representatives asking for feedback on changing CPE program productivity review from every two years to every four years. The response was overwhelmingly positive.


Senator Chapman reported that the Strategic Plan is in final draft form and is posted on the Strategic Planning website. Please look over, evaluate it, and share any comments with your constituents. Senator Chapman commended Dr. Rezaie for her leadership on the strategic planning process.

At the last Senate meeting, Senator Chapman proposed giving 50 $5,000 faculty recognition awards with the $250,000 that has been made available for recognizing outstanding faculty achievement. Two forums were recently held to gain faculty input. One group was for the awards, and one group preferred the funds to be dispensed as merit. If used for merit, the money disappears. However, if distributed as non-recurring awards, the fund could be available on an annual basis. Senator Chapman will continue to discuss the issue with the Welfare Committee.

REPORT FROM STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Mario Anderson reported for Kyle Moon

SGA recently sponsored a concert with rapper Fat Joe. In addition, SGA held a Vice President forum to answer students' questions on academic advising on campus.

EKU students recently participated in "Listen Up Legislators" where students across the Commonwealth were encouraged to contact the different representatives and senators in support of higher education.

A diversity forum is scheduled tonight at 5 p.m. in the Combs Building Grise Room. Senate representatives will speak and answer questions about different multi-cultural issues and events.

SGA is creating an official "Cheer Squad" for EKU in an effort to boost attendance at EKU athletic events. SGA also plans to hold rallies for students and faculty outside Alumni Coliseum prior to every home game.

SGA is working closely with Media Resources to make channel 76, the campus TV channel, available 24 hours a day. The future goal is to tape all campus events and air them on channel 76.


Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the Rules Committee continues to work on the creation of a Senate Curriculum Committee. The proposal for the Undergraduate sub committee is basically ready, but we are awaiting a response from the Graduate Dean and Graduate Council.

The committee also continues to work on the Senate Rules, Internal Procedures, and the Faculty Handbook.

In addition, a motion will be brought forward later in the meeting to bring the Faculty Handbook section on class syllabi up-to-date.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Robles was elected as chair of the committee.

The committee met a couple of weeks ago with the Academic Integrity process committee and discussed the Academic Integrity process. The committee will submit the Academic Integrity Proposal for review at the next Executive Committee meeting.

Elections Committee. Senator Randles announced that the Board approved the Senate's motion for a Vice Chair position and nominations will be asked for later in the meeting.

Senator Randles announced that February's For the Good of the Order topic will be to discuss ways to streamline the May Senate election process.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Collins reported that the committee has spent a lot of time discussing the faculty achievement awards issue. The other topic occupying a lot of time is whether or not to move forward with a faculty ombudsman.


Lectureship Proposal. Senator Robles moved, seconded by Senator J. Chapman, to approve the lectureship motion. The majority of the Senate were in favor and the motion carried.

Motion to Approve Promotion and Tenure Report. Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Yoder, to approve amendment 1. (Click here to view complete PDF file of amendments proposed by the Chairs Association.)

Amendment 1. Public record of exceptions to tenure and promotion policy: Recommend a change in language but not intent of #7, page 6 Summary "The Provost and deans shall ensure that exceptions agreed upon are documented at the time of a faculty member's initial appointment, or there after, in a full-time, tenure track position are recognized and applied in the review of applications for promotion or tenure."

The majority of the Senate was in agreement and the motion carried.

The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion for amendment 1 carried.

Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Ault, to approve amendment 2.

Amendment 2. Flexible tenure timelines for family and professional development conflicts: Recommend "Policies include flexible timelines for tenure that includes entitlement of all tenure track faculty (male or female) to stop the tenure clock for a maximum of two one-year periods for specified* family obligations and/or professional-educational development. These extensions would be available whether or not the faculty member was on leave and policy would make explicit that taking such extensions would not impose any greater demands upon the faculty at the time of the tenure decision. (*Criteria to be established in the policy governing this change if adopted.)

The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion for amendment 2 carried.

Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Hyndman, to approve amendment 3.

Amendment 3. Flexibility in University Promotion and Tenure Committee membership: Recommend "Membership on college and university level Promotion and Tenure committees shall be limited to tenured faculty members with the rank of Associate or Full Professor."

The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion for amendment 3 carried.

Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Reed, to approve amendment 4.

Amendment 4. External evaluations: Recommend "Departments may mandate external review for promotion and tenure if they so choose and are approved by their college Promotion and Tenure Committees."

The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion for amendment 4 carried.

Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Konkel, to approve amendment 5.

Amendment 5. First year evaluations: Recommend "Formal evaluations of first-year tenure-track faculty be completed in the second year of employment; but, that informal feedback to the faculty member be provided by the chair and/or the appropriate department committee prior to the University renewal decision deadlines."

Senator Kristofik moved, seconded by Senator Sanchez, to postpone amendment 5 to be re written and distributed to senators prior to the December Senate meeting. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion to postpone carried.

Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator May, to approve amendment 6.

Amendment 6. Promotion prior to tenure: Recommend removal of provision to mandate tenure and promotion reviews to be held concurrently.

Senator Jones moved, seconded by Senator Kristofik, to postpone amendment 6 to the December Senate meeting. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion to postpone carried.


New Joint Degree Report. Dean Marlene Helm was in attendance to give an updated report on the progress of creating a joint Ed.D. degree with Eastern and Western.

Senate Vice Chair. Senator C. Jackson nominated Senator Johnson for the position of Senate Vice Chair. The actual election will be held at the December meeting.

Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Chapman

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Eakin, to approve the Aviation major revision to rename the option. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Syllabus Motion. Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator Collins, to approve the motion to update the syllabus motion in the faculty handbook. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.

Clinical Lectureship. Senator Fister moved, seconded by Senator Shasby, to approve the addition of a clinical faculty line. Senator Siegel declared the motion substantive and postponed discussion to the December meeting.


The topic of discussion was "Streamlining Senate agendas and meetings".

Senator Dieckmann suggested that standing committee reports should be distributed with the agenda and attachments. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Senate that all reports should be submitted prior to the meeting and distributed along with the agenda and attachments. The individuals submitting reports should be available at the Senate meeting to answer questions.

Senator Jones suggested changing the order of the Senate discussion to have unfinished business listed first on the agenda.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.

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