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Minutes for March 6, 2006

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, March 6, 2006 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the seventh meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

A. Ault* S. Black*^ M. Ciocca*
D. Clay L. DeBolt H. Hensley
M. Hesse C. Hubbard*^ S. Hyndman
S. Konkel S. Shaffer D. Vance*^

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Michael McDermott attended in place of S. Black
^ Karen Janssen attended in place of C. Hubbard
^ Susan Godbey attended in place of D. Vance

Visitors to the Senate were: Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Kelly McKinney, Eastern Progress; Debbie Newsom, Financial Affairs; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations & Marketing


The February 6, 2006 minutes were approved as written.


March 1 is the official kick-off of the "Healthy You! At EKU" annual wellness program. For more information on the Health Fair on March 6 and the wellness program, please contact Adrienne Bauer in Human Resources. Additionally, the University's Fitness and Wellness Center has now been opened to all current benefits-eligible faculty and staff on a paid annual membership basis. For more information, please contact Billy Martin, Director of Campus Recreation.

In the fall, a new giving initiative was launched called the "Circle of Opportunity", which encourages alumni and friends to give at the one thousand dollar level and up. A special event recognizing all "Circle of Opportunity" members is scheduled for the Friday of Homecoming, October 13th.

This spring, a new initiative is being launched to encourage graduating seniors to give back to their soon-to-be Alma Mater. This student-led initiative will be getting underway in the next few weeks, with a special recognition event for graduating seniors to be held the Friday evening before the May Commencement.

Senator Glasser shared a copy of her testimony to the House Budget Review Subcommittee and Senate Appropriations & Revenue Committee.

Since Senator Glasser's written report to the Senate much has changed with the budget process in Frankfort. The Governor's recommended budget for EKU was $1.2 million for fiscal year '07 and $600,000 for fiscal year 08. The Appropriations and Revenue Committee approved the Governor's recommendation for '07 funding and increased funds from $600,000 to $800,000 for fiscal year '08. This is about 1/3 of what CPE had originally proposed for Eastern. The proposed budget now goes before the Senate for approval and the amount of funding could decrease or increase based on the Senate's recommendation.

The one good bit of news is that the State Appropriations & Revenue Committee did recommend putting back CPE's original recommendation of $54 million for the new Science building. Assuming the Senate approves this recommendation, the new building will have to be phased in over a period of time.

Another grim bit of news is that CPE has decided that tuition increases will be based on the level of what CPE recommended we get plus whatever state appropriations are approved. Therefore EKU's tuition increase will be $533 per year which is about a 11.4% increase. This is considerably less that the $800 per year EKU's Board had originally approved.

The Student Government Association and the President’s Office are sponsoring a student forum focusing on tuition. This forum, scheduled for March 7 at 5 p.m. in the Kennamer Room, will provide an opportunity for students to learn more about the roles tuition and state appropriations have on funding the operation of EKU and to ask questions about tuition and related issues.

The University’s internal budget process for 2006-07 is well underway. There is much work being done in identifying areas of need in support of the University's academic purpose and in conjunction with the Strategic Plan.

Senator Glasser shared the following campus updates:

  • The Business and Technology project is close to completion, and we should have a certificate of occupancy in the next few days.
  • Programming for the new Science Building will be complete in the next two weeks. The project will then be placed on hold until we know how much money will be allocated by the
  • The electrical project is substantially complete with only the Samuels Track lighting and some miscellaneous change orders remaining.
  • Questions around the transfer of the property for the new Manchester Center remain, and the Finance Cabinet and other parties in Frankfort continue in their attempts to resolve the situation.
  • We passed our heat plant stack test with flying colors (30+ times under the limit).
  • The proposal outlining the joint education doctorate program being developed by EKU and WKU has been posted on the CPE web for review and comment as is required.
  • The money for the design and development of the dairy merger with UK at our Meadowbrook Farm facility was appropriated in the last state budget ($270,000) to the Council on Higher Education. Planning for this project is underway.
  • The Smoke-Free Zone Task Force has completed a draft of a proposed policy. The task force will share the draft policy with campus constituents for feedback and comment during the month of March.
  • The Eastern Committee on Responsible Environmental Stewardship (ECRES) held a forum on February 23 at the Teaching and Learning Center. The forum provided an opportunity for the committee to discuss its mission, the University community to become acquainted with ECRES, and committee members and forum participants to exchange ideas related to the mission and purpose of the committee.

Senator Glasser shared a list of upcoming events in March:

  • March 2, the Chautauqua Series continues with Tomas Pogge’s lecture entitled “How is Global Justice Possible?”
  • March 3, the 45th Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Political Science Association, with Congressman Ben Chandler as the Keynote Speaker.
  • March 4, Pre-Concert Reception for “Appalachian Variations” with Richard Crosby, followed by POPs for Music Sake, celebrating the EKU Centennial and featuring student ensembles and “Appalachian Variations” by Dr. Richard Crosby.
  • On March 9 & 10, 2006, Dr. Gerald Nosich with the Center for Critical Thinking and Professor of Philosophy at Univ. of New Orleans will be on campus for a SACS QEP Workshop entitled “Facilitating Critical & Creative Thinking”.
  • March 9, Senator Glasser will present opening remarks at a program in Frankfort in honor of the late Vic Hellard, an EKU alumnus and longtime director of the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission. The program is entitled "Vic Hellard: Leader, Mentor, and Visionary."


Amendment Motions to the Promotion and Tenure Report.

Amendment 1 (from February meeting): Senator Reed asked to substitute a replacement motion (listed below) for the motion proposed at the December 2005 meeting. The majority of the Senate were in agreement and the amended motion carried.

Substitute motion to be added to Part IV, item 9:
When the chair’s recommendation opposes the granting of promotion or tenure, supporting documentation should demonstrate that the faculty member in question received fair and timely notice of the possibility of this judgment and opportunities to clarify any role ambiguities or relevant circumstances. At a minimum such notice should be given the faculty member in writing as part of the formal evaluation process that covers the time period when any substandard performance was first observed. The written notice will be given no later than the Fourth Year Review Period.

Amendment 3 (from February meeting): Senator Dieckmann asked to replace the motion (see below) from December 2005 to reflect changes requested at February's meeting. Senator Siegel ruled the amended motion substantive and postponed the vote to the April meeting.

To change Part 1, Section C, #8 as follows:

Part I: Main Recommendations
C. Promotion in Faculty Rank
8. a. The university shall continue to permit prohibit faculty to apply from applying for promotion in rank to associate professor prior to being considered for tenure.
b. Tenure will not be granted without concomitant promotion to faculty at the rank of assistant professor.

Note: Part 1, Section B, #7 states: "The probationary period for tenure shall be six years, and, if awarded, tenure shall begin in the seventh year. Exceptions concerning the probationary period shall be specified in writing at the time of initial employment in a tenure-track position." This allows for prospective faculty to negotiate for tenure (and therefore promotion) to occur more quickly than six years based on previous experience, but that intention must be explicitly determined at the time of hire.

New amendment. Senator Schlomann moved approval of the following amendment, seconded by Senator Johnson. Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and postponed the vote to the April meeting.

Under Part I, Section A, add number five, to read as follows:

  1. If all recommendations are positive, the sequence of reviews of all applications for promotion and tenure are as follows: Department committee, Department chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dean, Provost, President, and Board of Regents.
  2. If a candidate is not recommended for tenure by the Department committee, Department chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, or Dean, the application will automatically be reviewed by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee prior to being forwarded to the Provost.
  3. If a candidate is not recommended for promotion by the Department committee, Department chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, or Dean, the application shall not be considered further, unless the candidate appeals to the next level. If the candidate does appeal, the sequence of the process shall follow that stated in b.

Senate Membership Motions.

Motion 1: Senator May presented an amendment to motion 1 (proposed at the February meeting). The majority of the Senate were opposed to the amended Motion 1 and the motion failed for lack of support.

Motion 2: Senator Kristofik moved to amend Motion 2 to change the wording from "...forego membership for one term" to "...forego membership for one year", seconded by Senator Jones. The majority of the Senate were in favor and the amendment to the motion carried.

The amended motion was approved with a vote of 29-22.

Senator Schlomann moved to further amend motion 2 to the following, seconded by Senator Jones. The motion to amend carried.

Under 2f change the following statement from "Elected members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms;" to "Elected members shall serve no more than two consecutive full year terms".


Report from Council on Academic Affairs. Item 1a (clarification of final examination policy) was listed as an informational only item.

Senator Chapman moved approval of 1b (course repeat policy), seconded by Senator Collins. The motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved approval of item 2 (New Mathematics Teaching minor), seconded by Senator Eakin. The motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved approval of item 3 (suspend certificate program in School Psychology), seconded by Senator Winslow. The motion carried.



Senator Siegel reminded faculty to wear their academic regalia on Friday, April 28 for the rededication of the Keen Johnson Building.

Senator Siegel thanked Dr. Conneely for his help in making the Faculty Dining Room more attractive and usable.

Senator Siegel reminded faculty to visit the newly renovated Faculty Club Lounge. She further announced that the “Ladies Swooning Room”, the small room at the south end of the Lounge is being set up as a small conference room. Once available, room reservations can be made with Jennifer Goins in University Programs at 622-2222.

Senator Siegel asked the Senators to share with their faculty the topic for April's For the Good of the Order discussion: “Strategies for Improving Faculty Life at EKU: Recommendations for Facilitating Faculty Teaching, Research, and Service Effectiveness”.

A Senate representative is needed to serve on the QEP Committee. If anyone is interested, please contact the Senate Chair ASAP.

It was the consensus of the Executive Committee to discontinue the Meet and Greet sessions prior to the Senate meetings. However, an "Eat and Greet" luncheon for faculty will be scheduled in the Faculty Dining Room at least once a month with the first luncheon scheduled for the last Tuesday of March. Additional information will be forthcoming.

The Senate Executive Committee is charged with the administrative review of the President. A letter will distributed this week to all eligible faculty introducing the company that will be handling the survey and the process that will be used. The letter will be sent in hard copy as well as in e-mail format. The survey itself will be available online from March 20th through midnight the 31st.


Since the last Senate Meeting there have been no Board or Board Committee meetings.

Dr. John Moore of Penson Associates was recently on campus for three days to assist the Board in the evaluation of President Glasser. Approximately 150 individuals, representing all constituent groups, was interviewed during this time. If you did not have opportunity to be involved in this process or wish to add more comments, send a letter to Dr. Penson at 1634 Monarch Drive, Venice, Florida 32493. While a signature is required, all comments will be held confidential by Dr. Moore.

The next Board meeting is March 27. Committees will be meeting in the coming weeks in preparation for that.


The first Compliance written reports addressing the SACS standards are beginning to be reviewed. These early reports show us to be in compliance on all of the issues that have been reviewed to date. However, there are some problems. One we encountered early in the process was the need to identify our primary accreditor. That problem was easily fixed. Other corrections to achieve the standards are not so easily made. We immediately can begin to remedy any problems we find, and that will help us to get into compliance in a reasonable time period and hopefully by the time the review team comes here next spring.

We continue to make progress in developing a Quality Enhancement Plan. We have received concept proposals and will move them to proposal stages. On March 9 and 10 Dr. Gerald Nosich, Professor of Philosophy at the University of New Orleans and author of numerous texts and articles on critical thinking, will provide us with a workshop. The workshop will emphasize the practical application of concepts in the classroom and provide further preparation for designing curriculum or program initiatives for the QEP. Please attend and learn more. For more information, contact Hal Blythe or Onda Bennett.

The Promotion and Tenure process is almost complete. Before next year's process begins, Senator Chapman plans to develop a checklist which will easily identify if the candidates meets all required standards. In addition, written summary statements will be required at each level indicating why the candidate meets the requirements, or why not. Also, a written record will be required from the candidates who appeal stating what they are appealing and why.

Senator Chapman reminded that new hires must meet the minimum standards that will allow them to progress through the ranks. We should not hire into a tenure-track position any person we do not feel we will ultimately tenure and promote.

Senator Chapman stated that in order to be able to put forward new programs unconditionally, Kentucky institutions must show progress in six of the eight components of the Kentucky Plan. EKU achieved that unconditional status by making progress in six areas, failing to make progress in Six-Year Graduation Rate for Degree Seeking Kentucky Residents based on the Fall 1999 Cohort and progress in Employment of African-Americans as Faculty. These are two areas in which we need to make progress. The attentiveness of this year’s search committees to diversifying our faculty is very encouraging.

Based on the current and projected budget for the Summer sessions, CE&O recommends for this summer that the MOST we do is increase faculty salaries to 8% (for a three credit-hour course) with the $4,500 cap. We will assess the situation this summer with the intention of increasing to 9% for the summer of 2007, and increasing to 10% the summer of 2008.


The Kentucky Board of Student Body Presidents is having its rally on March 8th. Hopefully students across the State will have a positive influence on the General Assembly in getting them to fund Higher Education.

In our continuation to work with the city on improving campus and community relations we have established a ride-along program with Richmond Police that will allow students to ride with Police Officers during Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.


Budget Committee. Senator Eakin reported that the Budget committee completed a preliminary questionnaire for the faculty on alternative class patterns last month. Further action was halted until the Senate's For the Good of the Order discussion today. The committee would like as much feedback from Senators as possible.

Rules Committee. The Rules Committee opted to review the two motions on senate membership because the committee felt strongly that these motions dealt with the rules of the senate and therefore should be reviewed by the committee. The Senate Rules Committee believes that both of these motions could put undue hardships on small departments and therefore recommends against the passage of both motions.

The Rules Committee continues to work on updates to the Faculty Senate section of the Faculty Handbook. We are also working on a revision concerning lecturer positions for the faculty handbook.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. The University counsel provided the committee with the information below dealing with on-campus solicitation. The information was taken directly from the faculty handbook at:

"The resale of complimentary examination copies of textbooks is unethical and unprofessional. Furthermore, the activities of textbook solicitors are restricted by invitation only under present administrative policy on the campus of Eastern."

The committee is in the process of writing the Academic Integrity Policy into Faculty Handbook format.

Elections Committee. Senator Randles reminded everyone that Senate Chair nominations will be solicited at the April Senate meeting.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Collins reported that much of the committee's time in recent weeks has been devoted to participation on the university benefits committee.  Following lengthy presentations by the three finalist vendors, the university benefits committee recommended the following three vendors for administering our university self-funded health care insurance:

Medical Insurance Coverage - Anthem (our current administrator )
Pharmacy Prescriptions - Express-Script 
Mental Health Coverage - Behavioral Medicine Network (formerly known as St. Joseph’s)

The health care plan design and level of benefits will not change.  There is a possibility that another tier of coverage (Parent(s) and one child may be added).

 The exact cost of the plan to the institution and the participants has not been determined at this time.  The vendors anticipate that the total cost of providing the health care benefit will increase.  The university benefits committee recognizes that because our plan is self-funded, everyone at EKU will have to be involved if we desire to minimize the cost to everyone. 

Senator Collins gave a brief update on the six charges the committee has been working on:

  1. Committee charge one re: the faculty recognition awards program:
    This issue has been resolved by action of the full senate
  2. Committee charge two re: the need for a faculty Ombudsperson:
    This welfare committee previously reported the position has the potential to place the Ombudsperson in a delicate position and recommended against establishing an Ombudsperson. At our last meeting the welfare committee discussed this again and agreed that a “faculty resource person” who would help faculty find answers or direct them to other resources could be of value, particularly to junior faculty.  With the addition of a senate vice chair who ideally would be learning more about the senate and faculty concerns, the committee felt this might be an appropriate role for the senate vice-chair to undertake.
  3. Committee charge number three re: salary equity distribution:
    The Provost previously reported concerning the number and manner of equity distribution.
  4. Committee charge four re: role of academic coordinators at EKU:
    The welfare committee surveyed benchmark institutions and found there is little or no consistency in the manner that coordinators are selected, compensated and/or released from teaching responsibilities to perform their duties.  The welfare committee became aware of a survey being conducted by the Office of University Programs on many of the same issues.  We are trying to gain access to this information.
  5. Committee charge five re:  polices for temporary, short-term suspensions of the tenure clock:
    This matter is in the hands of the full senate for resolution.
  6. Committee charge six re: junior faculty mentoring programs:
    The Senate Welfare Committee is contacting the Deans for a copy of all mentoring programs in their colleges.  These will be analyzed and a report of our findings will be delivered to the senate.

Ad Hoc Senate Centennial Committee. Plans have been finalized and details set in motion for two special events in recognition of the EKU Centennial.

The first, an Emeritus Tea, in honor of our retired faculty is planned for Monday, March 20, 2006. There will be two sittings, one at 1 p.m. and one at 3 p.m. Festivities will begin in Walnut Hall in Keen Johnson with the formal tea in the upstairs ballroom. Centennial tins of a special blend of tea will be presented to those attending.

The second event is the rededication of the Keen Johnson building during Alumni Weekend on Friday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m. Approximately 250 to 300 attendees are anticipated.


The topic of discussion was "Alternative Strategies for Class Schedule Patterns".

Senator Eakin indicated that one of the problems with the current class pattern is not having the same amount of time to teach, and so the idea was if we could find a Tuesday-Thursday and say Wednesday-Friday and find a different way of utilizing Monday or the extra day that would be ideal. Almost universally the response we've gotten as a committee to flip-Friday has been negative. But that was not the only thing in consideration.

Senator Dieckmann was in favor of having a Friday or a Monday where courses are not scheduled to allow for extended periods of time for field trips which are required for Biological Sciences students.

Senator Winslow spoke in favor of a free Monday or Friday as a way to increase faculty scholarship.

Senator Yoder indicated that the Math department preferred class patterns with the same amount of class time. Her faculty also expressed concerns about the current inclement weather pattern. It should be called something other than a "two hour delay" because students incorrectly assume that means that everything is delayed by two hours.

Senator Houston suggested a Monday-Thursday Tuesday-Friday class pattern with Wednesdays as a reading-type day.

Senator Kristofik agreed with the Monday-Thursday Tuesday-Friday idea, but thought the extra day should be used for additional classes in the morning and afternoon, equivalent to existing evening classes. Since there are lots of students who must juggle work, family time and classes, this could be advantageous to them. They could do two classes or maybe even three in one day.

Senator Schuster spoke in favor of the field trips. His department liked the idea of flip fridays. For administrative purposes, departmental meetings were easier to schedule when the flip Friday schedule was available.

Senator Noblitt mentioned that the Paralegal program's main competition is Sullivan University which has already gone to a Monday-Wednesday Tuesday-Thursday schedule.

Senator Collins reminded everyone that if you try to take the lengths and periods used on Tuesday-Thursday to another two-day pattern you loose "X" number of sections of instruction which are currently offered.

Senator Rainey spoke in support of the Monday-Wednesday Tuesday-Thursday class pattern because most professional meetings occur on either Monday or Friday and this could allow faculty the opportunity to attend more professional meetings.

Senator Johnson spoke in favor of all classes being the same time length. However, he was concerned about how a Monday-Wednesday Tuesday - Thursday class pattern might be perceived in Frankfort in terms of fund allocations.

Senator Wolf stated that in the Music Department, it is very difficult to have 75 minute class periods.

Senator Jones indicated that Sullivan not only offers two day class patterns but they also offer classes four days a week as well. In addition, their faculty are required to be in their office every Friday from 8 am - 11 am unless they are on a field trip or other University activity. All computer labs and all other labs, the library, everything is open. This gives them a lot more flexibility in scheduling because they can do a two-day a week, a one-day, or a four-day a week class. She further indicated that if another two-day pattern is considered at EKU, that Monday should be the off day, since there are a number of holidays on Monday.

Senator Yoder mentioned that if a two-day class pattern is considered, it would be best to go with a Monday-Thursday Tuesday-Friday pattern so there wouldn't be as big a time gap between class meetings. With the current class pattern, students have a greater memory loss from Thursday until the following Tuesday.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.

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