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Minutes for May 1, 2006

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, May 1, 2006 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the ninth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

M. McDermott D. Clay L. DeBolt
D. Discepoli* S. Fister* J. George*
M. Hesse S. Hyndman A. Jones*
M. Marchant*^ C. Rich* C. Ruppel
C. Taylor E. Waters*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Ray Richardson attended in place of M. Marchant

Visitors to the Senate were: Tony Adams, Technology; Mark Case, MMAC; David Fifer, SGA; Susan Godbey, Chemistry; Kristen Kean, Music; Jason Koontz, Music; Gary Kuhnhenn, Arts & Sciences; Sheila Pressley, Environmental Health Sciences; Beth Ann Pruitt, Special Education; Mike Sheliga, Technology; Judy Spain, MMAC; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Charles Whitaker, English & Theatre; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations & Marketing Tony Adams, Technology; Mark Case, MMAC; David Fifer, SGA; Susan Godbey, Chemistry; Kristen Kean, Music; Jason Koontz, Music; Gary Kuhnhenn, Arts & Sciences; Sheila Pressley, Environmental Health Sciences; Beth Ann Pruitt, Special Education; Mike Sheliga, Technology; Judy Spain, MMAC; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Virginia Underwood, Chief of Staff; Charles Whitaker, English & Theatre; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations & Marketing


The April 3, 2006 minutes were approved as written.


Senator Glasser thanked the Faculty Senate and The Senate Centennial Committee for a magnificent re-dedication ceremony for the Keen Johnson building this past Friday.

Senator Glasser expressed her appreciation for the Senate's work during the past year and to Senator Siegel for her leadership during the past two years.

Parliamentarian Miller announced that Craig Williams, a former EKU Philosophy graduate, recently won the Goldman Environmental Prize.

In Senator Glasser's written report to the Senate, she shared the following information.

  1. $54 million was approved in the state budget for the new Science building
  2. $3.5 million was approved for the new Manchester Postsecondary Education Center
  3. EKU tuition requests were approved by the CPE
  4. The budget guidelines approved at the March Board meeting are being utilized in establishing the 2006-07 budget.
  5. The NCAA recertification process has been successfully completed. Senator Glasser expressed appreciation to the NCAA Recertification Committee for their hard work and dedication to this process.
  6. Regional campaign events and visits continue to go well. Additionally, the capital campaign has surpassed $13 million.
  7. Alumni Weekend is scheduled for April 28-30.


Academic Integrity Policy. Senator Robles moved, seconded by Senator Konkel to approve the Academic Integrity Policy, in handbook language. The motion carried.

Senator Robles commented that in the first paragraph the word "DOES" should be in lower case letters and in the second paragraph the words "INCIDENTS OF" should also be in lower case letters.

Senator Dieckmann commented that "6. Helpful Definitions" should be changed to "7. Helpful Definitions".

Promotion and Tenure Proposal in Handbook Language. Senator Robles moved, seconded by Senator Eakin, to approve the Promotion and Tenure Proposal in handbook language.

Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and postponed further discussion until the September meeting. Senator Siegel expressed her appreciation to all of the members of the Rights and Responsibilities Committee for their hard work on these materials. Senator Chapman asked when the document would go into effect, if approved. Senator Siegel indicated that it would not go into effect until the 2008-2009 academic year because it would need to go to the Faculty at Large and then to the Board of Regents prior to implementation.


Report for Council on Academic Affairs. Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Collins, to approve motions 1-5 (listed below). Motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Ciocca, to approve motions 6 & 7 (listed below). Motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Sanchez, to approve motion 8 (listed below). Senator Siegel decided to postpone the motion until the September meeting so that a representative from the Education area could be present to answer questions.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Schlomann, to approve motions 9 & 10. Motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator May, to approve motions 11, 12, & 13. Motion carried.

Senator Chapman moved, seconded by Senator Hubbard, to approve motion 14. Motion carried.

  1. Performing Arts (B.F.A.) - Program suspended
  2. English/Teaching (B.A.) - adding two options: 1) English; 2) Theatre/Teaching
  3. English (B.A.) - adding option: 1) Theatre
  4. Theatre (B.A.) - program suspended
  5. Theatre/Teaching (B.A.) - program suspended
  6. Masters of Arts in Teaching - adding option: 1) Agriculture
  7. Masters of Arts in Teaching - adding option: 1) Chemistry, Physics & Earth Science
  8. Master of Arts in Teaching - adding option: 1) Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
  9. Nursing (B.S.N.) - program revision: change name to Nursing Pre RN (B.S.N.)
  10. Nursing Post RN Option (RN-GSN) - program revision: changing name to Nursing Post RN (RN-BSN)
  11. Clinical Laboratory Science (BS) - dropping option: 1) Cytotechnology
  12. Early Childhood Development (A.S.) - program revision: changing name to Early Childhood Development (A.A.S.)
  13. Medical Assisting Technology (A.S.) - program revision: changing name to Medical Assisting Technology (A.A.S.)
  14. Removal of residency requirement for associate/baccalaureate degree programs

Rules Committee Motions. Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator Konkel, to approve motion 1. Motion carried.

Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator Dieckmann, to approve motion 2. Motion carried.

Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator McKenney, to approve motion 3. Motion carried.

Senator Johnson moved, seconded by Senator Fenton, to approve motion 4. Motion carried.

  1. Rules Committee Motion on Senate Chair Presiding Over Senate Business at Faculty-at-Large Meeting
  2. Rules Committee Motion to add part F to Part VII Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University dealing with standing rules and special rules of order
  3. Rules Committee Motion to add Part e. to Part VII E.1 in the Organization of the Faculty in the Faculty Handbook
  4. Changing the statement in section 7 of the Senate part of the handbook, and also Part II Organization and Administration of the University, regarding when the Senate meetings are held.

Senator Johnson presented a revised copy of the Senate Rules as an informational item only.



Senator Siegel thanked all the senators for their hard work and support throughout the past two years.

Senator Randles was in attendance at the April Executive Committee meeting to discuss the May election process. The Executive Committee were in agreement that the standard voting procedures would be followed.


The next Board meeting is scheduled in June.

Senator Schlomann gave a brief update on the Presidential evaluation. At the Senate's request, the Board agreed to a delay in order for the Senate to complete their survey. A meeting of the Executive Committee should be scheduled within the next couple of weeks to complete the evaluation process.


The AAUP-KY and COSFL Second Academic Conference was held on Saturday, April 22 at the CPE headquarters in Frankfort. The keynote address was presented by Roger Bowen, General Secretary of AAUP, Washington, DC. In his address, "Academic in the Red and Blue States," Bowen cited information from a soon-to-be-released (June 2006) AAUP survey of 100 Americans on public perceptions of the role of faculty and higher education.

A panel discussion on "The Role of the University in Regional Economic Development followed Bowen's address.

Following lunch, the program continued with a roundtable discussion moderated by Mark Wattier, Murray State University. Indicators of progress in attaining the goals of House Bill 1 were cited and efforts needed to continue with needed reforms were discussed by panelists and participants. Funding remains a major consideration, and it was suggested that the goals of HB1 must be revisited and reprioritized if funding cannot be allocated to meeting the goals as they stand.


Senator Chapman thanked the Executive Committee and the Senate for their work during the past two years.

In his written report, he made the following updates:

  1. Heidi Terry of Radford College has been selected as the new University Registrar. The search process continues for the following positions: Dean of Education, ITDS Director, and Dean of Libraries. Appointments may be made by the end of the academic year.
  2. With the acquisition of funds, we will open and operate an education center in Lancaster. Programming will be done in conjunction with BCTC.
  3. Over the summer, Senator Chapman will continue to gather facts on teaching load, research productivity, committee work, etc. Based on his findings, he hopes to begin discussions with faculty in the fall concerning faculty workloads.
  4. 518 individuals are eligible for merit raises from the $250,000 available, based on the guidelines approved by the Senate and the Board.
  5. 571 tenure/tenure-track faculty and librarians will receive one of the new computers. Visit the ITDS website at for further information.

REPORT FROM STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Senator Siegel for David Fifer

Senator Siegel announced that David Fifer has been elected as the new President for SGA for the 2006-2007 academic year.


Budget Committee. Senator Eakin reported that the committee addressed the concept of alternative scheduling and its possible contributions to faculty, students and staff. A faculty survey was created, but not distributed. The committee decided to step back and look at how substantive this change would. It would affect every single solitary office on this campus and that just getting information from the faculty was not enough. It's going to be a change in the way that we deliver education in our service area, so we've backed off of this issue for now.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson thanked the committee members for their work throughout the past two years.

The Committee worked hard this year to update the Faculty Handbook, Part VII Organization of the Faculty of Eastern Kentucky University. We have included all motions passed by the Faculty Senate, the Faculty-at-Large, and the Board of Regents to date.

The Committee, having deliberated for nearly two years and working through several proposals and countless revisions for the creation of an Academic Curriculum Committee with an Undergraduate and Graduate Council, recommends that the present Council on Academic Affairs should remain intact as it presently exists.

This year's Rules Committee has not had time to deal with considering alternative mechanisms, including electronic processes, by which the Faculty-at-Large can be convened to consider and/or vote on issues that concern the faculty. We have also not had the time to deal with incorporating the position of Lecturer into the Part VII of the Faculty Handbook. We strongly suggest that the Rules Committee of 2006-07 take up these issues as well as taking a new look at the Internal Procedures of the Senate to incorporate changes made since the last revision.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. Senator Robles reported that during the past year the committee worked on two important issues: 1) The Academic Integrity Policy and 2) 2. Revising the wording of the P&T ad hoc committee's Promotion & Tenure Policy into Faculty Handbook language.

Committee on Committees. Senator Vance reported that a survey was sent to all faculty asking them to nominate themselves to any of nine University Committees. A total of 67 faculty responded.

The committee nominated at least two faculty for each open position and forwarded the nominations to the Senate Chair to share with the President.

Faculty Welfare Committee. Senator Collins expressed his appreciation to his fellow committee members for their hard work during the past year.

Senator Hubbard to give an update on the results of the coordinators survey. Based on the survey results, the committee made the following two recommendations to pass on to the Provost for consideration:

  1. A systematic procedure for selecting an academic program coordinator should be established in each college.
  2. The academic program coordinator should be evaluated annually with a uniform tool that is developed by each college.

Gavel Presentation to Outgoing Chair. Parliamentarian Miller presented Senator Siegel with an engraved gavel as a token of the Senate's appreciation for her work as Chair of the Senate for the past two years.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 4:30 p.m.

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