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Minutes for April 3, 2006

The Faculty Senate of Eastern Kentucky University met on Monday, April 3, 2006 in the South Room of the Keen Johnson Building. Senator Siegel called the eighth meeting of the academic year to order at 3:30 p.m.

The following members of the Senate were absent:

S. Black*^ A. Chapman* D. Clay
L. DeBolt*^ D. Discepoli S. Fister*
S. Hyndman S. Konkel* C. Ruppel
S. Shaffer F. Szorad*^ J. Whitler*
J. Wolf* M. Yoder*  

*denotes prior notification of absence to the Faculty Senate Secretary
^ Michael McDermott attended in place of S. Black
^ Joe Beckett attended in place of L. DeBolt
^ Ida Jumoji attended in place of F. Szorard

Visitors to the Senate were: Jim Conneely, Student Affairs; Richard Fuller, English; Doris Pierce, Occupational Therapy; Aaron Thompson, Academic Affairs; Charles Whitaker, English; and Marc Whitt, Public Relations & Marketing


The March 6, 2006 minutes were approved as written.


The March 29 Campus Update is available online at:

The Executive Budget, House Budget and Senate Budget have varied in their recommendations for support for the Kentucky postsecondary education system. As of today, EKU anticipates receiving for FY 06-07 state appropriations in the amount of $1.2 million. It is important to note that although state appropriations have risen the last two years after two years of decline and budget cuts, EKU has experienced a net five-year decrease in appropriations per full-time-equivalent student.

With respect to capital project funding, it seems probable that the House-Senate Conference Committee will fund our new science building at the $54 million level. This will mean that the new building will have to be phased in over a period of time.

The dairy merger project with the University of Kentucky was fully funded at approximately $5 million in both the House and Senate budgets.

Senator Glasser remains hopeful that state appropriations will be increased and that additional funding will be received for a new Manchester campus.

At Monday's Board meeting, the Regents approved a tuition increase of $266 per semester for full-time, in state, undergraduate students. The Board's action was in response to the CPE's cap placed on tuition increases at all public universities in Kentucky. On April 5, 2006, Senator Glasser will be going before the CPE to formally request its approval of Monday's revised tuition increase, which is the maximum allowed by CPE. As a result of the cap imposed by the CPE, EKU's gross tuition revenues will be $3.5 million less than the revenue that would have been generated under the original Board-approved tuition plan for 06-07.

The new tuition rates, along with a proposed increase for FY 2006-2007 of $1.2 million in state appropriations and some internal reallocations form the basis of the budget guidelines that the Board approved at Monday's meeting. It is important to keep in mind that the internal reallocations are not cuts and these are guidelines, not the final budget. The final budget will be presented for Board approval on June 12, 2006.

Below are some highlights from the budget guideline recommendations proposed by the Budget Advisory Council.

PGA/PGM Program. .  
Faculty Initiatives (recommended by the Provost)    
   Staff three-tier advising in University college. .  
   Partial funding for faculty computer replacement plan. .  
   (3 year replacement plan)   

This new funding is in addition to the $750,000 pool of funds provided to the Provost in the FY 05-06 budget for academic initiatives. Among other initiatives, these funds have been allocated for 5 new faculty positions (Social Work, Justice and Safety, Teacher Education, Master-Public Health, and Baccalaureate Nursing).

Additionally, these budget guidelines incorporate an across-the-board 3.5 percent cost-of-living salary adjustment. The estimated cost of this increase, along with corresponding benefits, is approximately $3.9 million dollars.

An additional $150,000 in new funding is being requested to support strategic initiatives recommended by the Strategic Planning Committee and initial funding in the amount of $100,000 to begin to establish a pool of funds for the QEP.

The guidelines also include funding for fixed costs increases in the amount of $3.1 million. These fixed costs increases include insurance, facilities costs including utilities, and benefits costs increases (health plan and retirement).

The Capital Campaign total has exceeded thirteen million dollars in gifts and pledges. Cash gifts year to date are running forty-two percent ahead of last year this time.

This past weekend the Kentucky Science Fair hosted for its fourth consecutive year state-wide competition for middle and high school students. Senate Glasser expressed her appreciation to Bob Creek for his leadership during the conference. This year for the first time, EKU offered two scholarships for students in life and physical sciences.

Senator Glasser also shared a summary of recent faculty accomplishments.

Senator Glasser announced several upcoming dates:

  1. Roark Lecture Series - Thursday, April 4 at 7 p.m. in Keen Johnson
  2. Occupational Therapy Research Day & Endowed Chair's Lecture - Friday, April 7 at 9:30 a.m. in the Combs Building
  3. Campus-wide Memorial Service honoring and remembering those faculty, staff and students who have passed away during the past calendar year - Monday, April 13 at 4 p.m.
  4. Alumni Weekend - April 28-30. Events include the rededication of the Keen Johnson Building on the afternoon of April 28 and the Hall of Distinguished Alumni Induction Banquet on the evening of April 29.


Academic Integrity Policy. Senator Robles moved, seconded by Senator Sanchez, to approve the Academic Integrity Policy (in handbook format). Senator Siegel ruled the motion substantive and postponed further discussion to the May meeting.

Amendment Motions to the Promotion and Tenure Report.

Amendment 3 (from February meeting): (Senator Dieckmann moved, seconded by Senator Kristofik, to approve this amendment at the December 5th meeting) Amendment 3 consists of two motions (Motion 8a and Motion 8b). Motion 8a was defeated. Motion 8b was defeated with a vote of 29-21.

Amendment proposed by Senator Schlomann. (Senator Schlomann moved approval of the amendment, seconded by Senator Johnson at the March 2006 meeting.)

Under Part I, Section A, add number five, to read as follows:

  1. If all recommendations are positive, the sequence of reviews of all applications for promotion and tenure are as follows: Department committee, Department chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, Dean, Provost, President, and Board of Regents.
  2. If a candidate is not recommended for tenure by the Department committee, Department chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, or Dean, the application review process will include the University Promotion and Tenure Committee prior to being forwarded to the Provost.
  3. If a candidate is not recommended for promotion by the Department committee, Department chair, College Promotion and Tenure Committee, or Dean, the application shall not be considered further, unless the candidate appeals to the next level. If the candidate does appeal, the sequence of the process shall follow that stated in b.

The Senate were in agreement and the amendment was approved unanimously.

Senator Siegel asked the Rights & Responsibilities Committee to incorporate all the Senate's approved amendments into the University Promotion and Tenure 2003 full report and to compile the recommendations into handbook language prior to the May meeting.


Motion on Senate Alternates. Senator Kristofik, seconded by Senator Johnson, moved to approve the following motion on Senate alternates. The motion carried.

All voting members of the Senate are elected to represent the faculty in their departments. In order to ensure consistent and accurate representation, each department is also asked to elect an alternate for a three-year term in addition to their regular Senator(s). Each election unit shall be entitled but not required to elect alternate delegates (as many as the unit deems feasible) to ensure voting rights for their faculty. The alternate may attend for any Senator in departments with more than one representative. Elected alternates will possess full voting rights and attend meetings when the elected Senator is unavailable. In situations where an alternate is either not elected or is unable to attend, a substitute may attend. Substitutes are allowed to speak to issues and report back to their departments, but substitutes do not have voting rights. The Senate Chair and/or Secretary should be notified in advance whenever an alternate or a substitute will attend a Senate meeting in place of a Senator.

Senate Chair Nominations. Senators Dieckmann, Eakin, and May were nominated as potential candidates for Senate Chair. Elections will be held at the May organizational meeting.



Academic Regalia Day and the Re-dedication of Keen Johnson is scheduled for Friday, April 28, 2006 at 2:30 p.m.

The first ever Faculty Eat and Meet was held on March 28th with over 20 faculty in attendance. Senator Siegel will schedule another Eat and Meet on either a Tuesday or Wednesday in this month and will notify senators of the scheduled date.

Senator Siegel expressed her appreciation to Senator Eakin for chairing the last Executive Committee meeting.

Senator Siegel expressed special appreciation to Hal Blythe in the Teaching and Learning Center for unofficially serving as a faculty advocate during this past year.

The final coffee chat with the President for the 2005-06 academic year will be this Thursday, April 6 from 8-9 a.m. in the Faculty Club lounge in Keen Johnson.

On Friday, April 7, Arlington will host a faculty/staff social from 4-5:30 p.m. The second Arlington social will be on May 12.


The Board recently had its regularly scheduled meeting. During the past couple of weeks three Board committees--Finance and Planning, Internal Affairs, and Student Life, Discipline and Athletics--have met.

Some of the actions approved by the Board meeting include:

  1. Tuition increase of approximately 11.4 %; increase for residence hall/dining rates
  2. 3.5% salary adjustment for full time employees and $250,000 for merit
  3. Guidelines for allocation of new revenues in the development of the 06-07 budget. These guidelines included necessary adjustments to fixed costs, six advising positions to be housed in the colleges, faculty computer leasing/replacement plan, continued (though slower than originally planned) staff equity adjustments, QEP funding, continue need-based scholarship funding at the present level/increase other financial aid to reflect increased tuition; initial funding for PGA/PGM program.
  4. In order to address concerns and to increase flexibility to employees, changes will be made in the health insurance plan. The administrators will be divided among providers as follows:
    Medical: Anthem
    Pharmacy: Express Scripts
    Mental health and an employee assistance program: Behavioral Medicine

    The same three options will continue to be offered however an additional tier (employee and children) will be offered.
  5. Personnel actions (including promotion, tenure, faculty emeritus, RTP).

At the various meetings, reports were also received about the capital campaign, construction, projects, contracts, scholarships, etc.


April 22 is the AAUP/COSFL joint conference. A box lunch is available for $7.50. Send checks to Senator McKenney. The program will feature Dr. Roger Bowen, General Secretary of AAUP, Washington, DC, speaking on Academia in the Red and Blue States, followed by a panel discussion.


Senator Chapman shared a list of questions and concerns that were encountered during this year's promotion and tenure process.

Two academic initiatives were funded in this year's budget guidelines: advisors for a three-tiered advising program and a three-year rotation of faculty computers.

A three-tiered approach to advising has been proposed and will be funded if state funds are available. This plan will put six advisors‹two in CAS and one at each of the other colleges to supplement the individuals doing graduation checks and to change the focus of these individuals to include advising students as well as checking credentials.

As part of the new Strategic Plan, equipment for classrooms and faculty must be updated. A 3-year rotation of computers for all tenure-track faculty has been proposed. This would be accomplished by leasing laptops and docking stations. The laptops would be either be PC's or Macs, dependant upon faculty's requests. These would be high performance machines with wireless and CD/DVD capability.

The allocation from the new money is about $130,000. The Provost's Office will provide the funds for the first year lease payment and the deans have agreed to fund the second and third year lease payments if new funds are not available through state appropriations. This will eliminate the need for the colleges to budget for faculty computers in the future. Current faculty computers will be cascaded to staff and part-time faculty. The next phase will be to put all staff computers on a three-year rotation as well.


  • Thanks to everyone who participated in this year's Rally for Higher Education.
  • SGA elections will be held online on April 18th . Newly elected officers will be officially sworn in at the May 2nd banquet.
  • The Student Activities Council is bringing MTV's Campus Invasion Tour to EKU on April 13th in Alumni Coliseum at 7 p.m. The concert will feature Motion City Soundtrack, Straylightrun and Hellogoodbye.


Budget Committee. The Faculty Senate Budget Committee has continued the development of a university-wide survey to explore the possibility of alternative scheduling for classes.

Senator Eakin shared an unsolicited summary report of possible class pattern scenarios compiled by Dr. Rob Christensen. Senator Eakin urged the senators to thoroughly read Dr. Christensen's report.

Rules Committee. Senator Johnson reported that the committee continues to work on updating the Senate rules.

Rights & Responsibilities Committee. The committee finished revising the Academic Integrity Policy in Faculty Handbook language.

There has been ongoing discussion regarding the P&T proposal on the Senate Floor.

Elections Committee. Senator Randles announced that there are 24 committee vacancies available. Nominations and the voting process will occur at the May organizational meeting

Faculty Welfare Committee. The Welfare Committee has finished meeting on the benefits issue and are now concentrating on the academic coordinator issue. A brief boomerang survey will be distributed soon to the deans and the chairs asking them how they perceive the issue.

Ad Hoc Senate Centennial Committee. Approximately 120 people were in attendance at the recent Centennial teas. All those present termed the event a "great success."

The next scheduled event is the re-dedication of the Keen Johnson Building on Friday, April 28 at 2:30 p.m.

Ad Hoc Futures Committee. Doris Pierce, Chair of the Futures Committee was in attendance to discuss the committees findings.

Based on the committee's recommendation, Senator Collins moved, seconded by Senator Flanagan, to create a University Faculty Advisory Committee for the Analysis of Change. The committee would meet monthly with the Provost to discuss faculty issues. The Senate were in agreement and the motion carried.


The topic of discussion was "Strategies for Improving Faculty Life at EKU: Recommendations for Facilitating Faculty Teaching, Research, and Service Effectiveness".

Senator Dieckmann stated that reports and other activities previously handled in centralized offices are now being de-centralized and the information requested is now occurring at the departmental level which requires more and more of faculty members' time. This gives faculty less time to work on research and class preparation.

Senator Jones stated that the turnaround time to complete grant proposals is now 60 or 90 days from the time the grant is announced until it's due date. It's virtually impossible to complete grant writing proposals with a 4/4 class load. Furthermore, it would be helpful if there were administrative support staff available to handle the financial end of the grant proposals rather than faculty having to learn the financial side of the Banner system.

Senator Rainey asked the question "when did the equation change from 'teaching, service and research' to 'teaching, research and service' "?

Senator Schuester indicated that things worked more smoothly when purchase orders were sent to the Purchasing Department for processing rather than faculty having to use the current Banner system. The system is too confusing for individuals that use the system infrequently. Give the processing back to the Purchasing Department.

Senator Robles indicated that there is a lack of signage available externally and internally for special areas and labs such as the Business Development Center or the Speech and Hearing Clinic. It would be helpful to have signs outside each building listing the different offices, labs, etc.

Senator Redmond stated that everything added to faculty schedules no matter how necessary takes time way from something: research, or service or teaching.

Senator Eakin stated that faculty are having to learn more and more software programs to do virtually anything and everything in their own research. How is it possible to have effective teaching if more emphasis is being placed on external research?

Senator Shasby stated the Occupational Therapy recently met with Dr. Pogatshnik to discuss the need for support once grants are awarded. There are many different programs on campus that could collaborate on projects; but there needs to be someone available to help not only locate available grants but also make helpful suggestions for collaborations.

Senator Taylor indicated that for research purposes, semester-long sabbaticals are not sufficient, and if scholarship is becoming more emphasized, longer sabbaticals should be considered.

Senator Hubbard mentioned that with more and more responsibilities for faculty in addition to teaching, RTP's place an extra burden on departments because there are fewer faculty to pick up the extra work load.


Senator Chapman moved to adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.

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